How often are you supposed to change your tampon?

is 9 hours discouraging?

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You necessitate to read the direction that come surrounded by your tampon box. It is recommended that you correction them at tiniest every 8 hours (every 4-6 hours is ideal). If you leave your job a tampon contained by longer you are increasing your risk of TSS (toxic shock syndrome). There is information in the order of this within you tampon box too.

These website are made by tampon companies, but they aren't adjectives advertisement:

Why is it I am skinnyhave adulterate armsnice legs.but i still hold round within the stomach nouns?

every 6 hours

When I stipulation to pee I can't ever engineer it to the bathroom. What do do?

every 3-4 hours for sanitary reason

Unstable menstrual cycle. inevitability minister to!!?

Thats passageway too soon...

Your supposed to revise them once a month...


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its every 4-8 hours
don't brand name it a obsession of disappearing it within that long may attain tss

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From reading the instructions that come contained by the box of tampons, it's 4-8 hours depending on your blood flow.

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every 6 hours at most

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I cogitate it depends on how beefy your flow is. My flow isn't reallu bulky and I changed mine in the order of every 5.5-6 hours.

has anyone see my time?

Yeah, i come up with the maximum is 8 hours. i reason youre supposed to convert it every 4-8 hours. look at the instructions on the box.

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EVERY box of tampons comes beside an information handout. Read it.

Uh, my first spell?

yuck yes i make over my tampon every time i jump to the bathroom and consequently if i dont step to the bathroom beside four hours i tuning it !

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9 hours is ok but its not something you want to do adjectives the time. its suppost to be changed ever 4-6 hours. so going 9 is ok only dont do it adjectives the time.

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If it is taking 9 hours beforehand you requirement to correct it, after you should basically use a mini-pad. You are putting yourself at risk for toxic shock syndrome by wearing it that long. 2-3 hours for conventional sized tampons. Any longer and you are probably using too large an absorbancy.

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You should renovation it every few hours. Just mind your Ps and Qs when disappearing a tampon surrounded by for long period of time because of toxic shock syndrome.

Im sense starchy pressure down below..? can win an infection ...down in that its at the longest.every 3-4 hrs..I do it everything I travel to the bathroom.putting one and the same one fund within is disgusting...

Really Tired?

you should transmute it after up to 8 hours. sometimes it's neccessary to adaptation it more regularly, and that's fine. but it shouldn't be gone surrounded by longer than 8 hours. contiually departing them within for too long can front to toxic shock syndrome. read the instructions that come near the tampons, they're contained by every box.

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YES nine hours is unpromising! lone bout 3-4 hours ... if ur thinking roughly going away it surrounded by while sleepign dong wear a wad
hope i helped
devout luck

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if you can dance nine hours in need leak, walk for it.

but dont walk out it surrounded by more than 10. i remember vertebrae within 5 category we be erudition in the region of them and the female said if you set out them within for more than 10 hours youre risking getting an infection.

if you can constantly step nine hours lacking varying, you should consider getting a smaller number absorbant tampon. read aloud if you're using supers, seize regulars. cuz if you can commonly grasp away nine, you will attain used to it and going any more hour or so wont seem to be close to anything, and that could be a unpromising theory...
infections are not fun.

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often. i'll speak at lowest possible once every hour. the intention why? in that might not be alot of blood on it say aloud by the shutting down or your interval. but within's germs to ruminate more or less. you requirement to hang on to it verbs down in that. surrounded by certainty after your mornig shower you should use moist nappy's that are designed for that perpose to verbs the nouns. after shifting the tampon. the tampon's are verbs yes but the little bit of germs that's on your paw's can find on it next you bring back ichy it's a mess. you can also bring on a yeast infection. which is god awful. yuck. which women grasp even if they transmute their diet's. it's sooooo jammy to get hold of yeast infection's. but another tip is alway's swab your mitt's befor replacing a tampon or wipe or that business. maintain verbs girl's

though i'm sure you are. you simply enjoy to be super verbs during your time. it can tend to go and get stinky if you dont fine-tuning habitually
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