I have a trans vaginal scan?

to check to see if all have miscarried .i was twelve weeks gone and thet said babe-in-arms heartbeat was gone at 9 weeks .i bled alot at home and after10 days i go for a scan anyway the nurse said everything was clear,but to expect some bleeding as i obligation to shed the linning of the uthrus.i would then obtain a peroid that would be heavy and not to try and own a baby until 3 peroids passed.have anyone been told going on for the shedding of the lining

My daughter is 14 and recently have an operation to remove cysts.?

I experienced exactly the same as you, bled for over a week and experienced severe cramping at that time. I be told all indistinguishable things as you, but don't recall them mentioning my body would shed the inside layer of the uterus. You should make an appointment beside your GP to put your mind at rest, he/she will be more than willing to answer your question as having a miscarriage is a difficult time.

What do I do?

the shedding of the pool liner happens during every interval, that is the blood, but because u miscarried within was a thicker inside layer than usual that had to be shed

Just curious?

The shedding of the uterine pool liner occurs near menstruation, as well as miscarriage. It is when adjectives of the fluid, tissue and endometrial lining that builds up during pregnancy is released from your body. Basically, what the nurse be menaing by "clear" was that the fetus have been expelled already which is right becuase remnants of the fetus could cause severe infection and also might consequently require a D&C in establish to get it out. As far as waiting for the 3 period.it is recommended that you wait at lowest possible 3 months before tryig to conceive again so that your body and hormones can progress back to their pre-pregnant state. This includes your uterus as it have enlarged and getting pregnant too soon after another pregnancy can cause difficulty.

Bra cross-question? (Preferably women, but whoever can help out is reaction!) :)?

I am not quite sure I deduce what you are asking but yes, shedding of the uterus is normal for both a miscarriage or a regular time of year. That is basically what a interval is, the uterus shedding the lining of the endometrium. A transvaginal scan is done because it is the most appropriate course to view what is surrounded by the uterus, and a follow up is done to make sure the POC (products of conception) enjoy completely emptied from the uterine cavity. A transvaginal ultrasound in correlation near an HCG blood test will confirm a complete miscarriage. If the personality who WAS pregnant still has a high-ranking HCG level AFTER the miscarriage, at hand is a possibility that there are still POC disappeared in the uterus. If this is the travel case, a D & C is usually done to make sure the woman does not return with an infection.

About heavy period, painful ones and endometriosis?

my aunty be yes

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