Brown discharge?

Hello. I have a put somebody through the mill. I've been have unprotected sex with my boyfriend. Am not on any birth control. I've be having exceedingly light, brown discharge for in the region of a week now. Has no smell, irritation, discomfort, etc. It's be 27 days since my last time, my periods are markedly irregular so it's somewhat hard to update when it's about that time of the month.. usually I'll enjoy cramping a few days before. I hold never experienced any spotting in between periods, and I am kinda worried around what might be going on.

What side effects/experiences have you have on yaz birth control?

What you're experiencing could be implantation bleeding, which appears to be just spotting, or a thoroughly light time. Implantation occurs contained by the first two weeks of pregnancy and happens when the fetus attaches itself to the uterine wall, displacing some of the uterine inside layer, or endometrium. I suggest you take a pregnancy assessment.

If you are not pregnant, there is no point why you should continue have unprotected sex with your boyfriend. You could buy condoms, which are cheap and you can find anywhere, or you could be developed enough to hope out a more reliable, hormonal birth control from either your family connections doctor or from a free clinic or somewhere like Planned Parenthood. If you can't be developed enough to use protection when you agree on to have sex, you are not matured enough to be have sex. I don't care how weak you are, it is simply irresponsible to have unprotected sex.

4 week long extent and counting?

If the discharge has be going on for a week it is time to consult your doc to find out what is going on. Take a home pregnancy test to be sure you aren't pregnant and consequently call and see your regular doc to find out what is cause this.

I want to lose some weight but?

Honey, going to the doctor is opening better than getting advice online.

Tubal ligation?

OMG! Your pregnant! I've go thorough the same item before have my daughter. You should go see a Gynecologist and get sure everything is ok. Sometimes it could lead to a miscarriage. If it get red and heavy, you should budge immediately to the Emergency Hospital. Good luck. I hope I help.

Girls only (serious answers only) Please?

I have exactly the same item recently. It turned out to be my "period". My Aunt, who is an Ob/Gyn, explained, that sometimes, when your body is feeble by something or your hormones are confused, your egg didn't form or your follicle was short, so it came out as "sort of a period". I didn't hold another period that month, but my subsequent month's period be completely normal. If you don't hold a period this month, regard you had it already. Don't verbs about it - this sometimes happen. As for unprotected sex, take a pregnancy oral exam now and within a week to make sure you are not pregnant. IF you a re afraid of infections, be in motion to the doctor right away to have adjectives the tests done.

I enjoy a problem! please help!?

go to the Dr and find out for sure sounds resembling you might b pregnant

Why does my right armpit only sweat, but my moved out one dosent?

Brown blood is old blood, so it is a short time ago your uterus cleaning out.
Spotting between periods can lately happen in a minute and again, don't worry too much. If your interval is irregular just dispense it a couple more weeks, if they haven't come, go and buy a home pregnancy paraphernalia and check it out. My concern for you is unprotected sex, it is really not worth the risk.

What's the easiest way for a 17 y/o to come by birth control pills in Tacoma, WA?

That's callous. I'm glad I'm a guy.

Question for anyone who can answer?

go here

My [ . ] is on help ! [ ladies single ]?

you are pregnant i would guess

Ladies:Do you hate tampons as much as I do?

Brown discharge can be oodles things. Because you are having unprotected intercourse I would first embezzle a pregnancy test to rule that out. If it is positive contact your doctor or planned maternity. If it is neg you still need to see a doctor. Brown discharge can be antiquated blood, and unusual period, or signs of more serious medical issues.

Yeast infection?

word pregnant is really close to u. shift to th doctor for consultation.

When are u most likly to get pregnat until that time or after your period?

it's poop. wipe your butt and convey on.

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