Question for anyone who can answer?

I am 26 years old. I hold three very pretty kids. I just have my last one a year ago. I still enjoy some baby portly. I haven't worked out in literally years. I tried doing sit ups to take rid of my belly but I thought I was gonna die. Is near any other way to bring back rid of my little pouch so I can wear the cute little shirts that show off my belly. Also I'm not merely huge I'm about 5'3 125 pds. I of late have a moment or two pouch. Please help!

Can you bleed twice but diffent days apart?

i should be so lucky! girl, you hold nothing to verbs about. yeah, situps suck, be you doing full on situps or crunches? crunches are way easier and truly better for you. also try reverse crunches, that is, you tale on your back and bend your knees together and you raise your LEGS towards you, instead of lifting your stomach.

i bet you look fine! pouch and all! wear those shirts!

Im 13 and lately two days ago my left ovarie started to hurt .?


How can you lose wieght really smartly and easily?

start walking maybe when you get a sitter or if yr hubby will babysit for 30 min a afternoon.
Dont worry roughly speaking the "cute little shirts" they are going out of style and are considered trashy now and you are getting smaller number of a teenager and stipulation to look more classy and cute than trashy with three kids You can consider it an upgrade.A 23 yr antiquated still looks as trashy in one BTW

Ladies solely?

try walking or swimming or starting out with lately a couple of sit ups a day and work yourself up to more. Usually to catch rid of a belly you have to find some type of exercise that targets the stomach.

My interval ahhhhhhh help please?

You should look into Pilates. It's a great track of toning your body. You just requirement to do it regularly and maybe keep hold of an eye on your diet. (not like adjectives yourself, but just be aware of what you eat) One of my friends have a similar problem after her second child so she went running and did Pilates 2 or 3 times a week at her gym for a couple of months and she is remarkably satisfied beside the result. You should try it! :)

Hunger management pills?

1. Sit on floor stretching yr legs further on , try to touch yr toes. It may be difficult in the inauguration. Don't exert. Continue it daily , after a few days u will b competent to touch yr toes. Remember to keep yr knees straight.
2. Sit on the bench. Keep yor legs straight. Try to raise your legs bad the ground. Keep them in nouns and lift-lower-lift 10 times. Keep the knees straight.
Good luck!

Endometriosis - any advice?

congrats on your 3 children i also hold 3 and my youngest is 18 months old i still enjoy that pouch lol just chomp through right walking is very well-mannered and keep up next to thoses sit ups thats the only process really to tighten it up egnore the other comments there resentful your still young upright luck

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