How can I fashion my late time of year start ? I know there could be shots, pills to put together it start.?

I am not pregnant and I can not visit a doctor where on earth I work, please help me. I enjoy been so tired, so moody, and other in backache for 10 days of delay in a minute. if anyone knows any medication please advise.

What do you do if you've be constipated for the past 4 or 5 hours?but you enjoy taken medication?

Where do you work that you can't see a doctor? That sounds impossible or ridiculous.

There isn't anything you can do to make your interval start without seeing a doctor.

Sex for the first time?

There is no process to make it start short seeing a doctor. It is not unusual for a woman to skip a period once within a while or skip because of stress or illness.

If your on your term do you put on weight, if so how much?

See an acupunturist or chinese doctor. There's a apology why you are late and they can catch your body back into symmetry.

Mefemanic acid and birth control pills?

i didnt know you can bring pills and that to start it? I just suguest to loaf hopefully it will come for the pain whip pills. If it still dont come after awhile go to the doctors conceivably something wrong . But i used to go 2-3 mths minus sometimes. Nothin was wrong next to me. It could be change within your diet that effects it also

Help! Is it possible to delay your time or make it come nearer?

If you are so tired and moody and your period is delayed, the first point to think is that you are pregnant. If you influence you are not, maybe the testing was gloomy because not enough time have passed when you took it. If you had categorically no intercourse and are sure you are not pregnant, you might be skipping your period because something is wrong next to your body. Are stressed? Did you get a cold lately? All of it contributes to a delay. If you hold a pain, you hopefully will hold your period soon (it sometimes hurts past period). But pain for 10 days.. Strange. Go see a doctor! That's the best proposal I can give you. Yes, at hand are hormonal pills that can make you start your delayed length. But they are obtainable single by prescription. Also, your delayed period should be most minuscule of your concern now. Even if your doctor prescribe you a pill to product it come, you need to know a idea what is wrong. You probably need an ultrasound (especially since you hold pain).
Good luck.

I have a give somebody the third degree about my fiance' who have tested positive for HPV?

the morning after pills might do it, you get them from the pharmacist.

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