Uterine fibroid query...?

Sorry for all the question, this is just really puzzling me. It sounds as if I might enjoy had a uterine fibroid, I own almost all if all of the symptoms, but cannot find out if a uterine fibroid could if truth be told be on the side of your vaginal wall. I tried to search for vaginal fibroid but adjectives that comes up is uterine, so I would think so? I experience irregular bleeding next to spotting inbetween, clotting, pelvic pressure, constipation, and backache. Most of these symptoms point you to endometriosis which the doctor said I do not have after my laparoscopy, so this is my subsequent search topic. Anyone near experience or help within this area please quality free to answer. Thanks!

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Not all doctors are created equal when it comes to diagnosing endometriosis. There are plentiful colors and appearances of endometriosis and it can be hiding in places that many doctors don't look. (bowels, bladder, ect) So of late because one doctor says he/she didn't find any endometriosis doesn't be set to that there isn't any present. Many doctors don't know adjectives the appearances of endometriosis. Check out the article listed contained by the source for more information.

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I have never hear of vaginal fibroid, do you feel anything inside your vagina? As you said, most fibroids are in the uterus not in the vagina. In the vagina you might enjoy bumps etc. so if you do feel a lump or bump surrounded by the vagina its not a fibroid its a bump and you can Google Vaginal Bumps. But I think you go to a gynecologist and did s/he tell you if you own a uterine fibroid? If so I suggest you read these sites


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