After ovulation pregnancy symptoms you've have... ?

I am two days after ovulation, and have have unprotected intercourse trying to conceive. I am feeling extremely tired and own major team leader aches. This tired is approaching I've taken a sleeping pill or something. I never take naps, but I in fact got the bed twice today to progress to sleep.

Is this a sign of possible pregnancy?

Is there any types of medication that makes taking birth control pills smaller amount effective?

It is to untimely, that doesn't mean that pregnancy isn't posssible, these are simply to early of symptoms, you're probably newly tired, also sperm DO NOT take 2 weeks to carry to an egg, they only live up to 48 hrs.

Am i rotund i dont if i am or not?

yes fatigue is a sign of prgnancy but symptoms this soon I don't believe. Symptoms of pregnancy don't usually start until the first missed period.

Breast Reduction?

I'm sorry but its not. it appropriate about 2 weeks for the sperm to even acquire to an egg because it has to travel up ur vagina into ur uterus and it have to find a egg. poor sperm lol. well yeah it will give somebody a lift a few days for the sperm to even get an egg and when it does it will pilfer a few days for it to finish fertilizing.

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