Has anyone out at hand had a total vaginal hysterectomy & bladder sling I'm panicky. what about throbbing & how much?

I am 54 years old, post menopausal. There is zilch wrong with me bar my bladder, but my doctor says that I inevitability to have the hysterectomy to keep hold of my bladder from being pulled down again. HELP! How much throbbing and how intense. I have have 3 normal delivery with no complications, adjectives using natural childbirth

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I would strongly suggest you get another view from another gynecologist. Having a hysterectomy just for the sake of a bladder sling does not nouns very professional to me. Can you keep on or postpone your date of the operation and have another consultation? There is no judgment to hurry and let your organs be removed. Or, perchance there is, if the other doctor say the same, consequently, at least, you will discern its something that has to be done.By the route don't tell the second doctor just about the operation. Let him or her have you properly checked up and speak about you their view.
If and when you wish you are going through with the hysterectomy, I will joyfully tell you more. For in a minute, first of all draw from a 2nd opinion.

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