Questions something like a pap?

I'm going to my gynecologist for the my 2nd exam (I had one last year). What are some exalted things I should ask her? I wanted to get an STD blood question paper done for all the major types, including HIV. Are nearby certain tests which are better? What else should I ask her? I'm a 19 year ripened, currently sexually "INACTIVE". Thanks, 10 points for the most thorough answer!

Thrush, or first time sex?

Well your questions should come from you and what concerns you.
apperantly the STD test bothers you so ask to win tested.
Even though you are inactive in sex you should ask almost birth control pills atleast and the cervical shot .
Like I said these have to be questions that concern your life span and being a woman!
thats what they get remunerated for ;) !

Period..Plz sustain me!??!?!? girls?

In this branch...?
In Pain.ladies facilitate!?
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