Just begin sexual relationship but don't know what to do! ... its been over a month immediately that I have be ..

sexually active. I enjoy NEVER been surrounded by any kind of a sexual relationship beforehand this. i m 19yrs old feminine and I have no theory what so ever about the stuff I should be doing (like exams, checkups?) once you are sexually moving. We use precaution but really need some up to date answers from people who can suggestion me on this. Am I suppossed to take some virus shots? ... Hopefully, you capture the idea that I own no knowledge on this topic so PLEASE HELP! .. thx :)

How ripened were you when you get your period?

Always use condoms (no issue what he says) because it will decrease your arbitrariness of getting diseases like HIV. Also, birth control pills can help out reduce the karma that you will become pregnant (condoms are not 100%).
You should get the HPV vaccine, because if you don't gain it, the chances are that you WILL grasp HPV. You need ot step to tthe gyno or a clinic and just inform them you want the HPV shot...you actually should hold had the shot in the past you were sexually influential (because you might already have HPV), but conceivably you can still get the doctor to offer you the shot anyways.
Also, in 3 years (or once you hit 21yrs old), you want to go to the gyno and start getting pelvic exams and pap smears. Additionally, create sure that you occasionally go to draw from STD testing...STDs are really adjectives these days, but a couple can be treated near antibiotics if you get them.

Menstruation problems?

go to a gynecologist and go and get a pap smear/check-up thing every year

My friend stole my ipod!!?

you noticeably need to start your every twelve months physicals. Call an OBGYN and get it started.

Low Cost and Safe Tubal Reversal surrounded by Southern CA. Serious Only?

Make an appointment with a gynecologist, or even in recent times your GP, and tell them exactly what you've told us and they will make a contribution you plenty of good suggestion.
Congrats on waiting so long before have sex! There should be more people similar to you.

From past 2 months i hav hugely less bleeding during my period?

Once you become sexually active, you involve to start visiting a gyno on a regular foundation just to get sure everything's okay. They'll tell you what you requirement to be tested for there, and I'd also recommend getting the HPV shot. Just name and say you stipulation a checkup, they should handle the rest.

Good luck!

Please answer?

plan motherhood is a really good source,,

How to increase breast size and gain freight.?

1st thing you should own gotten him tested for hiv... but i guess now that's to belated...just know everyone who have aids trusted the person they be with?? so in a minute you really should go take checked..it's good you in actuality waited that long...in our time girls give it up a resembling 12...i became sexually alive at age 19 also its a beautiful piece now he is my husband and i'm 23 presently and we just have our first child about 2 months ago.but anyway nuff bout me rear to you..yeah go acquire exam and talk near your doctor... i can say one article wash after sex only just a tip..lol..i'm sure you knew that thou

How should i?!?

the honest news is that you wait until you were 19. I'm impressed! you didn't perceive the need to find all kind of experience under your belt by the age of 13. Seriously! I hope you get a good guy who is your best friend too. That's the best!! And simply go to a women's clinic and gain your recommended exams/birth control/protection. Maybe your boyfriend won't mind going to a doctor to get any exams he might requirement (STD's) Other than that, have fun and relish.

Natural Remedy for fibroid tumor?

Yearly physicals.

Use condoms.

Birth control.

Just try to be a little more amenable and comfortable with yourself and your partner. And everything will be ok.

You can also enjoy him go and go and get checked as well. As a sanctuary precaution.

be careful girly!

Birth Control..?

you should've informed yourself BEFORE you started have sex...call your OB/GYN
obedient luck!

Its all true adjectives true alll true?

you need to see a ob/gyn I am one if you enjoy questions email me.

It feel like their is a rock contained by my boob is that just gowing pains or should I go see a ddoctor?

use birth control . sermon to the guy if the guy is normal and you trust him adequate to have sex consequently you should be open satisfactory to ask if he has any bad health you should know about . if he say no then unless you seize sick with some std your fine . no oral exam are needed . you should not have sex near someone you dont know well plenty to trust to tell you if they enjoy some illness you could ensnare.

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