Do women grain more sexually aroused during ovulation?


Unexplained weight gain?

Yes,It's nature way of encouraging us to reproduce.

Girls simply!! WHO are experienced in other words in the order of 20+?


Do love the texture of her lower mat(Pubic) while mingling,nipping on it & sniffing it b4 eating&entering her?

Yes they do. It's the best time for them to attain pregnant.

Period question? I not pregnate but.?

because their body is in place to concieve

Hairy nipples?

I am frisky right before my interval and right after.

Could I have be pregnant ?

i'm not exactly sure when i'm ovulating, i know some women know when they are but i definately don't. So i can't really say yes or no.

I hold irregular menstration, I want to have a babe.?

Yes, that's nature's road of ensuring we reproduce! Before the days of ovulation predictors and women assessing their discharge, they would rely one and only on their instincts that told them they were horny!!

Breast lumps near raised tentacles on elder woman? What is this?

yes they do and i have other felt more so and know when i had fall pregnant.. funny thing is i have twins and when i had them i feel more aroused.. i wouldnt believe it but now i own experienced it then i do..

Does cargo has anything to do near the height?

Yes they do, within fact women will dress more sexy unconciously when they are ovulating, for intance a woman would more feasible choose a mini skirt to wear while she ovulates to apear more attractive to the opposite sex.

How can I lose my love handle?

yes we do! i know when im ovulating and on my period i want to ravish my bf lol :-)

Are in that any ways to grow a girls height after 3or 4 years of her puberty?

yes... you are looking for a guy to mate beside

Anybody else experience cramps from hell having Cryosurgery?

yes - definately

Broken Hymen?

Yes as you would expect.

Which is better?

Yes! Well i know i do! Everything feels only just that bit more know!?! ;)

Best facewash/care system for teens.?

yes! One time i was on My dotty and my bf came over and I go crazy! i couldnt help it! I a moment ago wanted him soo unpromising! he was approaching man arent you horny as crazy!! lol

What's going on 'down there'?

Yes they do.

Have ever be to college or office in need bra or panty i have be thrice?

the week b4 u come on and during yes and after jus cos u aint had for ages. x

Calcium supplements for Women Under 50?

Oh yeah!

Doctors required to contact you?

Yes because of hormons and it is apt to have sex at that time

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