That's sux ...can anybody really communicate me if I can be preggo and still own my period?

seems close to everybody have different opinoins, is in attendance some sort of medical or scientific proof of how it is supposed to be?

Answers:    yes! you can still hold your period, although it's not really your time of year, it would be spotting blood. There is no specific way of "how its supposed to be" because everyone's symptoms are different. If you are worried more or less being pregnant I would embezzle a home test or even be in motion see the doctor.
I have a few friends who have theyr periods ALL the agency thru their pregnancies, so it is possible. Not a full throttel heavy duty length, but some bleeding Very early contained by a pregnancy it is common. It's call "implantation bleeding." Google it.

Later in a pregnancy it can sometimes be the sign of a problem.
You can own break through bleeding that may appear as a period. It will not truly be the inside layer of the uterus that you are shedding like within a real length. The only process to know for sure is a pregnancy test. I majored within biology so here are my thoughts on it. A period is your body clearing out the bin liner of your uterus when there is not a fertilized egg within there. If you enjoy an embryo in your uterus, unmistakably your body will not clear out the lining. I'm sure you enjoy heard going on for implantation bleeding (a small amount of spotting when the egg implants itself surrounded by the uterine wall). This is not the same as a extent, it is much lighter and shorter. If you are having middle-of-the-road periods you are most credible not pregnant.
Yes you can. I know someone who did. I dont know the medical explaination but I do know that some women do get their time throughout their pregnancy. A friend of mine got pregnant and she didnt even know it for the first few months because she be getting her period regularly. She started seeing a lump on her otherwise flat tummy and so she go to the doctor and found out that she was pregnant.
I've hear of it happening-it's not actually a period-but spotting nope, if you have your regular period, the 4-5 light of day one, it means you miss your kismet to have a child, its not trouble-free to make one you see. theres single a window of 1.75-2.15 days of fertilily term, thats after your ovulating period of more or less 3days or less depending on your body stracture, in a minute if you want to get pregnant, I can hitch you, a moment ago fallow this simple steps, knowing your self 101, first body built, wheight, feminine cycles including menstral cycle, map your sexual amusement since your first, (exclude masturbation) so youll know your hormonal activity if its ordinary or abnormal.
If you unplanted this theres an 89% sucess of pregnancy, Cant give you full detail though.
watever..hw cud u be menstruating wen ur egg is self occupied by a growing zygote!

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