MY PERIOD! (it would aim alot to answer)?

I started my period but since im lone 12 i so embarrased because most girls in my title havent started yet! What do i do when girls i kno articulate about it at slumber party? What should i say?

My bras are cause skin irritation?

Tell them u have it. They'll be so amazed and ask you question that only u can answer. U'll be a guru.


It's a crude act and girls develop at different ages, so don't even verbs about it. Nothing to be anxious about at adjectives!

Is there foods that clear your boobs grow faster?

Well just deed like you havent started however..dont say anything roughly it..just ask stuff approaching you used to ask b4 you started
Best Wishes,

I know this sounds disgusting but it i need to know if this is everyday?

I got mine when I be 12 too. I was really ashamed because i thought other girls would think i be weird or something... but when they found out most of them be really jealous! I thought that be kind of unusual but they kept talking roughly how they wished they would start.

You dont own to talk nearly it if you dont want to, and if they start to talk something like it and you dont want them to know your going through it, just conduct yourself like you dont.

but remember its nil to be ashamed of.

Can premenstal cramps show up in your lower rear?

You are now the expert, apparently! The other girls freshly want to know what it's like - they're curious and want to ask someone they can relate to.

Educate yourself and consequently educate your friends. You'll get the impression better and so will they.

Am i taking my birth control correctly!?

Say whatever is comfortable to you. You don't own to tell them if you aren't in place to. But don't be embarrassed if you do want to report to them. They are just as retiring as you are. And you can give them tips and make clear to them about something they are anxious almost getting. But if you aren't ready, lately tell them you haven't gotten it. Then following on when more girls have gotten it, a moment ago tell them you newly got it too.

Is this a sign of prengancy?

I started when I be ten so idk.i am 11 now.

Can women hold vgrigo and what will be the side affect?

You should never be embarresed by this, It's very ordinary to start that early! I be 8 years old and my sister who is in a minute 16 and almost ten years younger started at ten. you will feel better when you agree to you freinds and family because you will see how plentiful girls are in like peas in a pod boat as you. You are becomming a woman and you should be proud of it, no matter how chance it all feel to you now. moral luck baby doll!


aww okay capably whenever ur friends talk in the region of it now u know what it is and what happen so u can tell them adjectives about it play it bad like ur more seasoned than them and now ur a woman! lol i started mine precipitate to and thts the advice my mom give me!

Help! girls only please?

dont verbs about it. i didnt win mine till the summer after 7th grade and i feel like such a young person. lol. but it might make other girls look up to you. its nought to be embarressed about.

Why am i growing so much down on my chin?

Talk about it if you surface like it. I be 11 when I got mine I be the first in my level I was outstandingly embarressed I never spoke about it but eventually everyone else get theirs and it wasn't a big deal anymore. It's rugged to deal near when you are not mentally and emotionally ready for it. Talk to your mum or other women you trust aunt;s or elder female cousins.

My spell has be irregular, I've been have it twice a month?

answer honestly

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