Breast Biopsy?

My sister went for a mammogram recently and they sent her a note asking for her to come back for a biopsy, Should she be worried or is this normal?

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Sometimes neither mammogram nor ultrasound can recount if the abnormality is benign or not.

Biopsy shows what it is. Worry don't do any good. Just tell your sister to relax. Biopsy have to clarify what kind of abnormality it is. God Forbid if it's malignant tell her to follow doctor's proposal. If caught in early stage she have a good luck!

I myself did not have to travel thru a Hell of chemo.

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It's good that they're being aggressive going on for follow-up. There's certainly something that they're wanting to check, but whether or not to be worried is another story. It's natural to agonize, but she should try to relax until such time as the doctors actually TELL her to worry.

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no is not usual, but she don't have to worry nearly sometimes they found "lumps" on that mammogram and they wanna make sure is no cancer, i know it sound upsetting but is better be safe than sorry.

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It happens alot. They basically want to make sure it's not a cyst or anything. It may just be a fatty pocket or something, that happen to my friend. Good luck and I will pray for her.

Personal ? for woman individual?

You sister should stay positive. They may only want to check something out, to be on the safe side.

All the best

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