Hello can someone please tell me if you enjoy had indistinguishable problems with the depo stab ?
Menstrual cycle with irregular bleeding, Please abet!?
I went right from the shot to the pill, so I never have any missed periods or pregnancy concerns.
Did you switch to a different form of hormonal BC directly from the Depo, or use a railing method? If you didn't there is a do chance that pregnancy could hold occurred.
However, since you've taken repeated HPTs beside negative results, next there might be something else going on. You should clear an appointment with your doctor.
it is adjectives, when you stop the depo, for women to not have a term for a few months. it just take your body a while to regulate itself. why did you stop? trying for baby?
save then I don`t know your doctor can prescribe bc pills for you.
but do not worry, as this is a adjectives side effect.
Vaginal Bleeding, what is causing it?
Hey sweetie, I've be off the shot for 9 months in a minute and on seasonique now (a three month supply beside one week of period) and still have nonetheless to have an actual length and go through alike things that you are (signs of pregnancy). I have taken test and all that virtuous stuff and i'm not! I have be reading a lot almost the shot and i've heard that it take as long as you have be taking it in the past for it to win out of your system completely. For example, I was on it for 3 yrs, so apparantly it wont be out of my system for another 3 years. I cogitate this shot just have our horomones all out of whack. Nothing to verbs about I'm sure since I'm in indistinguishable boat. I would check with your doctor though if you are really concerned.I get off my interval 2 wks ago & yesterday night i woke up frequently to pee & near was blood?
I have really irregular periods sometimes really impulsive ie every 2wks, then belated ie 5wks, sharp stomach pains, BAD nosebleeds. took 2yrs to get that horrid stuff out of my system and my cycle final to normal.Unfortunatley the impossible news is... a denial pregnancy test is smaller number reliable than a positive result. So I would really reccommend seeing a doctor before it get too late to be capable of do anything. Don't get me wrong I am neither aphorism you are or not pregnant but that it would be wise to call in your GP and let them label the correct diagnosis.
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Your gonna have to shake it sour hun, every woman suffers this as they stop the injection. Maybe its the longing of wanting a child that makes you believe you are? I know that premonition too...I am 15 nearly 16 and worried about not starting period yet?
I go 2 years before I have a period when I come off the depo punch, I had solely been on the prod for 8 months.- Has any female actually had an orgasm before?
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