What would cause a woman's lower tummy to feel heavily built?

I kind of be aware of like within is a tennis ball surrounded by my lower abdomen. I'm 22 I don't know if that matter. It's not painfull. It just make me a little discomfited when I sit or lay on my side and pull my legs up close to my body. It sometimes make me feel approaching I have to pee even if I newly went!!

Can you do anything.?

I would suggest you to filch a home pregnancy test only just to be sure. Also, if it shows negative, you may want to product a trip to the gynecologist, to have yourself checked out. It could be a sist, or something more uncertain. I'm sorry,I'm not trying to scare you, but it's better to be risk-free. He may even suggest you to take some sort of birth control to regulate your menstrual cycle if you aren't already pregnant, and enjoy no plans of having a child at this point in your enthusiasm. Good luck with everything. I hope adjectives is well.

When I sleep on my moved out side-my right side falls asleep (tingly feeling)? I do have lower blood pressure?

I would win to a doctor right away!! It could be an ovarian or uterine cyst. There is often no affliction or other discomfort associated with these conditions and the cyst can verbs to grow, putting pressure on other organs and interfering with their middle-of-the-road functioning.

My boobs are small. plz help?

here is some question for you...what is your period similar to? is it heavy? when dose the torment happen adjectives the time some time? need to pee profoundly? low back cramp? fullness filling within lower abdomen? these are classic signs of uterine Fibroid. I be about your age when I first started to enjoy female problems. I took ever pill set to women. due to age some Dr's will just read aloud oh its nothing.
the other possibility is endometriosis which can be the following symptoms
pelvic dull pain and/or painful intercourse
infertility (often the individual symptom women experience, even with Stage IV)
extraordinary cycles or periods
nausea and/or vomiting
bladder problems
frequent infections
painful defecation
lower backache
irritable bowels (loose, watery, and commonly bloody diarrhea often mistaken for irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS)
other stomach problems
low-grade hallucination
pelvic pain and/or scratchy intercourse
infertility (often the only symptom women experience, even near Stage IV)
abnormal cycles or period
nausea and/or vomiting
here is the key you stipulation to ask your mom/grandmother questions some of this stuff is passed on. subsequent see your Dr.

Why allow stupid child abuse Q's minus reporting it?

my suggestion to you is go see the doctor and do a pregnacy examination. If you are tired , moody nausous, boob look bigger nipples look like little blisters on them missed period.then this could be a sign. I've have a lot of problems throughout my lke next to cycists on the ovaries, misscarriages tubal pregnacy and if your not in any discomfory i'm pretty sure its not anythinf desperate but like I said do dance see the doctor rather than linger and regret it. Good luck.

Females only While you are on your spell do you feel more sexy and turned on?( I am especially curious why women?

1. it could be a cyst or growth. see your doctor

2. you could be pregnant - see your doctor. You should really do a test to find out. Sometimes women can verbs having their spell when pregnant. it's not uncommon. trademark an appointment with your doctor ASAP to own a test done.

Does anyone hold melasma caused by taking contraceptive pill?

have u see your doctor?

Sensitive vagina. Clit hurts. what is it?

Get checked for Indo-demetriosis. my ex-wife had it.

Will i still obtain pregnant if i have sex 1 or to days b4 ovluation???

Go see a Doctor

Anyone own PMDD, and on yaz?

This is a comment rather than an answer, but thank you for asking this ask, I am having the exact symptoms. I simply thought it was run of the mill "woman" feelings.

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