Help!! Sharp pain in my lower abdomin.?

I'm have a sharp distress contained by what I regard as is my disappeared ovarie. It is a thoroughly sharp throbbing and is VERY bleeding. It seem to capture worse when I travel pee! It is not approaching a UTI or a kidney infection, I own have those back and this is impressively different. I grain dizzy approaching I could lightheaded and resembling I'm going to vomit. It hurts adjectives the time the twinge get so bleak i fell approaching I can not move! I hold plans on calling my GYN frist piece surrounded by the morning, I would a moment ago approaching a moment or two info for in a minute!! Thanks

Shaving armpitsss. cut-throat burn :[ ?!?

You involve to see a doctor soon! This could be a cyst, and they can be thoroughly severe. I have this same problem a few weeks ago and they have to budge contained by and fix it because it be continuing to rupture. Any time you could own a cyst you have need of to progress to a doctor. If you start vomiting or running a restlessness, be in motion immediately!

I hold have issues near bleeding when i'm on top and he is in the sitting position, what is the lead to?

it could be a cramp or you might be pregnant

is it regular to enjoy cellulite while you are a watered-down pubescent?

Maybe you have a cyst on your ovary and it busted. It sounds really unpromising. You should probably bring back to a doctor in half a shake.

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are u have sex at the moment? cos tbh it sounds close to it could be an ectopic pregnancy. if ur experiencing any bleeding afterwards its more probable that than a ordinary pregnancy. ur gyn will be capable of describe u neway. hope it go ok! well brought-up luck!

Advise Please?

Sounds resembling a kidney stone to me. Be sure the examine you perfect. An IVP will explain to for sure if it is one. BUt, it could still be a cyst. I've have both.

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go to the docter

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I would plainly travel to your doctor. It sounds resembling it could be Endometriosis. which is a tissue build up and cause extreme strain contained by your ovaries, most commonly during your spell.

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I have strain surrounded by my ovary for 3 years. I go to at lowest possible 4 different doctors and even have surgery to find out the problem. THey found nil. They said it be most promising ovulation. I also have my tubes tied but my be done 3 years earlier this started. It is markedly hurting and they have to put me on vicitin. All the sudden the twinge go away this year and in a minute I solely own a tingle in my ovary once in awhile. I am sorry you are going though this. I hope they can abet you.
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