Really fruitless interval throbbing!?

I lost a baby about 2 months ago.. I lost it unbelievably early in and it only stopped growing no pain or anything, doctors said i was fine. I never really get this serious pain before immediately, but it ia really hurting me! i have tried pain killer, a hot bath. A hot water bottle and nought has even helped! I also suffer beside emetophobia (fear of vomiting) and i have read with this sort of stomach-ache it may make me sick, and i cannot handle that! Anyone hold any idea? Thank you x

Answers:    I'm sorry to hear about that hunny :(

For my anguish I take co-codamol, which is a strong painkiller and my affliction goes in in the order of 2 minutes!

Exercise is also a very good course of easing the pain, although you probably won't feel up to it, it really does help out, even some gentle stretching will do.

Try drinking camomile tea to calm you down, and don't frenzy!
Take very deep breaths to bring back oxygen to your cramping muscles, slow and deep breaths.

Unfortunately pain is what comes next to being a woman :( we just enjoy to do our best!

Maybe if it continues go and see your doctor who can prescribe you with something to improve them off, or try some medication that you can buy in shops specially made for us :)

It's not that adjectives to be sick from having period niggle so don't worry. By thinking and worrying that you will be sick you are making it worse for yourself. Read a book, take your mind past its sell-by date it and relax it will be all good :)

You do not articulate whether you have had middle-of-the-road periods since losing the baby...or whether you have a curettage afterwards, or whether you have been bleeding ever since.
Is in that any chance you are losing a 2nd baby?
Is at hand any chance that you retained some of the last pregnancy and very soon have an infection?Try to relax, and you are less predictable to become nauseated, but I think you really should at least phone your obstetrician and discuss the problem near him / her.

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