Do you really hold to wait the total 6 weeks after giving birth to have sex or is nearby a shortcut?


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The only shortcut is to get hold of the okay from your physician sooner. The problem with have sex before the six weeks is that your cervix is still start on, and closing slowly. Activities that can introduce bacteria into that environment, whether it's taking a hip bath, douching, inserting tampons, or having sex manufacture it more likely that you will bring an infection in your uterus, which could lead to further problems.

So, yes, it's a obedient idea to keep on the full six weeks.

Is it true that wen u breast feed ur boobs grow?

yeah you can keep on only a week and partially thats what my doctor said and it was fine

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if she's done bleeding and up for it, you sure can! With our first we wait 3 weeks, with the second we merely waited 2 weeks - if she still have too much discomfort, then apparently it's no good, but if she's well brought-up to go, own fun!

Faking it?

Yes, it is best to wait 6 weeks. Things stipulation to heal up. Be merciful

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Six weeks is ideal for the therapeutic process to be close to complete enough to risk sex...longer contained by some cases. Please recognize that in attendance are other ways to express love than with sex. If you are lenient and loving with your wife, she will be appreciative and more plausible to pleasure you in ways that do not require intercourse. Best wishes!

I am 20 n own had discharge frm my vigina that go from light pink to bwn to drk red. What cud it be from?

Each shield can be different. Ask your doctor.

I enjoy a problem with GAINING mass?

well that depends how long it takes your wife to forgive you for the later time ;-)

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Depends did you hold an episiotomy? You don't have to loaf but give it at least possible 3 weeks and use a condom cause even if you breast nurture you can still get pregnant! Give yourself some time to alleviate you have abundantly of bruising inside that you can't see.

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oh you do not. but you shorly will get pregnant instantly. so if you are not woryed in the order of or want your babys to be born that close together go for it.

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That is a seriously ugly avatar.

Sex is a common word with general meaning. Use your imagination, you other have option.

Breastfeeding 14 month old daughter (morning and hours of darkness only) and pregnant?

Are you a horny turd that won't understand what your wife have just be through or some desperate unit that can't loaf to spit out another one?

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If she have stitches they of course involve to be healed up.. Also the cervix wants to be completely closed which can take up to six weeks according to the individual. Ifshe have c-section than she has stitches on her uterus and i wouldn't mess beside that. you put her at risk for infection, prolonged vaginal bleeding, and possible injury to the uterus. If she feels in place and it isn't painful I'd enunciate 4 weeks should be long enough only be easy. Just don't own sex before the bleeding have stopped!! Also if breast feeding uterus will travel back down to conventional size faster therefore allowing you to enjoy sex sooner but use protection or you may get her pregnant!! I'm not a doctor tho newly a mother of three and I had sex after 4 weeks, he be just drastically gentle. If she feel any pain or discomfort than stop the intercourse!! Don't put her below pressure..she has be through alot.. Let her tell you when she is arranged!

Do i need to enjoy a pap smaer test? HELP?

Give yourself a paw.

I had rough sex near my i'm bleedingi don't want mom to knowi have need of a doctor..

Says this mother of 4--the second conceived within 4 weeks of the first birth--yes! Wait to hold intercourse!

There are lots of other mutually satisfying sex act which won't risk pregnancy, infection, or re-injury. It's pretty traumatic to push those little buggers out. Let yourself heal:-)

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