Period serve?

This time when i had my term there hold been red clumps within it.i want the doctor to be my last resort so any other suggestions? This is the first time it have happened. Im 14 and own not started having regular period yet ( in the region of every 3 monnths or so) if thats any help...

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i would not verbs about this unless u concentration more serious things like tender cramps. i cant say y u r not have regular periods respectively month, but that would worry me more than the clumps.

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If they are incredibly very small, approaching the size of a pencil eraser or something, I would say to not verbs about it. But if they are to some extent large consequently yes, you should see a doctor because that is not regular. If you are sexually active this might indicate a miscarriage but it sounds more resembling this is a recurring entity rather than something that a short time ago happened once and have scared you.

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That really shouldn't be a big do business. Sometimes when you menstrate, your body releases "clotted" blood, and it looks like chunks of blood. It's pretty conventional.

I believe, if I remember correctly, that it's the lining of your uterus. Someone correct me if I am mistaken.

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hunny, clumps are natural... when your blood sits within your body for a while it clumps together. its natural. dont verbs about it!!

Period Question?

If you are have too heavy bleeding this may evolve. Avoid constipation. Drink plenty of fluids. Engage in mild exercises. ( I am a doctor.)

Ok embarressing sex questionbut I need to know!?

do u honestly not know?
in good health they are clumps of blood that is from the pool liner of ur uterus, here go to here and this will give a hand.

but it is normal, everyone get it (girls)

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