Where did it come from?

me and partner woke up this morning and found there be loadz of blood on the pillow on his side of the and on the duvet we were close to were did that come from and no i dont enjoy my period but not due for another couple of weeks can anyone explain that one?

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Did your partner have a blood antenna or you?I think it must own come from your partner and he had a blood proboscis throught out the night,

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LMAO that is pretty knotty to explain but maybe during your sleep you might own scratched your partner or vice versa. And you must have bled!

A lot of discharges lately?

ma-by you of late started earlier

From the ultimate 3 months my periods d'not start automaticaly i own 2 take some medicen inform me reason &solution

he could own had a antenna bleed in the hours of darkness without wake up..this has happen to me..frightening..but not life threatening..unless you're a hemophiliac..

Irregular still!?

thats a tricky one...the greatest possibility would've of been a blood proboscis...but then again, I'm not that sure.

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hey ! it might have lately been a proboscis bleed but if your worried go to you doctor ! suitable luck

Girls please help me?!?

May be the bleeding is from his muzzle. Come on rush to the doctor.

I need help( women single )?

Not only your g-spot can bleed...other parts of the body do too.

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