Would elevated prolactin levels incentive...?

your breasts to be very sore and tender and raison d`??tre them to grow? My level be 26.6. My gyn said that was somewhat bit high (like 3 too high), but nil to be too worried about. At alike time my FSH/LH levels be tested and they came put a bet on FSH-21.6/LH-73.1 when the normal is more or less FSH-10.2/LH-12.5 in the follicular phase (right after your period) and it be taken only 3 days after my interval. My doc hasn't said anything since, and that was 2 months ago. (Been thinking roughly switching gyns/seeing an endocrinologist.) I'm going in Tuesday for a post-op checkup and wasn't sure if those two elevated levels could be related?


Yes, it's possible that the prolactin level could cause them to grow which could indicate a possible problem beside the pituitary gland. As for causing them to be sore, yes, to be exact also a definitely possibility. And endocrinologist can help out you try to figure out what is going on.

I receantly found out that im am pg but my urine come back refusal and my blood test positive enjoy anyoneone?

Don't get too exercised over those numbers. Had your prolactin plane been over a hundred, he'd own scheduled a CT or MRI to look at your pituitary gland, but 26 isn't a verbs for pituitary adenoma. That's not even up to the range regularly seen next to certain medication. Neither do your FSH and LH levels achieve those that would be a big concern. Lab normals are not what every normal person should enjoy, but a range of where on earth standard deviations lie inside a population group. Unless you're heavily into statistics, well bygone just a couple of semesters of stats contained by college, I'd suggest you not go here, and just trust that your doctor have things in hand.

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