Red bumps on penis leader what are these?

I am 25years old i am with this girl, and on sunday morning we have sex it started unprotected and she said she was clean and i have std test the last time i be together with someone. i masterbated a day or two after and i notice a few red pin size bumps(like 4 or 6) on the head of my penis, they dont itch or burn not even in urination no puss or nil. When i am erected they go away, but when not their visable.. i just want to know what they are i am tired of going to the doctor, she might start thinking i am crazy. please comfort

Can anyone put in the picture me ANYTHING almost have a hyperactive thyroid?

It could be a simple case of balantis, but you should get it checked out, freshly to be safe.

For the closing week or so i enjoy have a few cramps, gas, and tender breast. What is it?

If you dont want to go to the Dr's i can get the message that but i think your humilation will be subsided when something really wrong goes wrong near your penis and becomes infected all because you didnt want to appear crazy.
Both my and my partner got tested when we got together as approaching a little present and i think thats what you should both do.
You may hold a little infection that is slickly treatable but not if you leave it, so if i were you i would find out where on earth your nearest GUM clinic is.
Good Luck.

Tampon press Ladies!?

Maybe they're just detailed contours of the skin on the head that you've never notice before. But in any grip, swallow it up and get it checked out, because nobody here can tell you what it is for sure.

You really should try not to be so rash in the future and embezzle someone's word for it when they say they are clean. You should hold used protection regardless. Had you done so, you wouldn't be worried like this.

What exactly is a...?

These people are overreacting

It's not an STD of any sort. I own these too and looked into about a month ago.

Pearly penile papules, a condition which causes pin-headsized outgrowths arranged carefully in rows on the base of the herald of the penis may be mistaken for genital warts. They are not warts nor genital wart, they are harmless and do not require treatment.

I call for relief..Grl facilitate.?

red bumps on the head of your penis? run to the doctor sir! if you've already have an STD, why the hell don't you wear a condom? do you want AIDS?

PLEASE HELP ME I'm simply 15 ...?

either genital warts or herpes.

yea you stipulation to get checked homeboy. going forward use protection to avoid getting/giving STD.

cant be a yeast infection LMAO!

Post-natal depression grill?

Go to a different doctor if you're self-conscious

A couple question just about the hymen.?

See a doctor and wrap it up next time.

Will I achieve my time of year prompt or no. . . ?

it could simply be an irritation. a short time ago keep an eye on it

Please answer this?

It's bad dude ! your penis will rot bad in about a week.

Im giving of freaking out...?

Welcome to the world of Genital Warts. lmao I don't know walk to a doctor.

Going on the pill.?

Its going to fall off
Get to a doctor NOW

ps. procure rid of the girl

Women - how do you shave down at hand and avoid the bumps that appear after? also - how do you prevent prickling

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