Unsure what to do?

Im thinking about pushing my doctor to tolerate me have a breast price cut. im 36FF and in lone 5 ft over the past 5 months i own had 3 weeks stale work due to back twinge because of my posture because im top heavy and my bra straps verbs in my shoulder and sometimes lower than my boobs where the bra sits. im really alarmed but i keep getting told they wont do it because i havent have children but i have be told a couple of months ago i might not be able to own them.


I have a ? give or take a few tampons?

Having children doesn't effect whether or not you are eligible for a breast reduction or not. If you are suffering from wager on pain and it is affecting your day by day life consequently to me it seems resembling you might be eligible. I had a breast cut rate when I was simply 18 and I was a 34HH. I have terrible posterior pain and my doctor recommended for me to enjoy it. If you are living in the UK and wanting to get the price cut done on the NHS One thing you should register is that different areas have different procedures. Some may not hold out it as they see it as a cosmetic surgery. I hope this helps

Girls: what is your favorite deoderant?

If it is cause back agony and difficulties then a breast cut rate would be a good thought.

I have a immensely personal questions roughly my clitoris after i orgasm?

I would hope that your doctor takes your request seriously. Quality of natural life is paramount to everyone. The way you are passion is not doing you any good.

Birth control?

girl if you hold a chest that big any doctor would have told you to enjoy that done years ago even if you haven't had children because when you are pregnant your chest grow a size or two and that's perilous. i'd say do it. flawless luck

When i gopt my blood test results it showed i own low blood count.i dont know what to do?

how old are you?

That is in actual fact an importnat factor

and it is really difficult to get insurance company to compensate for this even if your doctor agrees

I was a 38G & it took until I be 35 & had to be otherwise in the correct weight collection for my height (that is difficult when you are immense framed, athletic, and have 30 lbs surrounded by boob)... and that was even near proving that I have Degenerative Disc/Joint Disease

I am immediately a 38D

In the meantime.. buy bras from Rigby & Peller and there are 2 other companies endow with me a minute to think .. they will fit you much better - they cost a fortune ) it wasn't unusual for me to pay $120 per bra

I finally did own the surgery when my hip got crushed within an auto accident

I am really happy I did this & I would awaken you to do the same... but I would want to engineer sure you are informed about what to expect

For example Drainage Tubes... Time Off Work & Unable to Drive... No outlook in Nips.. and potential for Dead Nips...

Given that YA have some younger audience members, I don/t want to seize into to much detail on this answer... but I do want to provide you with enough

and the poster that mentioned proper bra fitting in London... the English own really got it going on beside proper bra fitting & proper bra manufacturing -- the bras within the US just simply can't compare (and I live within the US)

I got my spell on APRIL 14 07 and like this month i didnt take it why?

This may sound silly but hold you had a proper bra fitting? The symptoms you describe in the order of your bra straps digging in and the underwire hurting may mean you are wearing the wrong size. I'm a 32F and enjoy a slim build; I used to have problems but get a proper fitting done in London - it was a full different ball hobby when I got the up to date bra in the correct size!
Obviously if this isn't the travel case with you consequently it may be worth going and speaking with a doctor almost your concerns; he can at least compress you in on the exact procedure and discuss whether it is something that will benefit you.
Good luck and remember big boobs are a blessing, even if they don't other feel resembling it!

Why is my stomach and my futher down getting bloded?


I had a contraction about 18 months ago. I be 20 when i had it done, i dint own children and i got the operation on the NHS.

I be 38GG and i know what your going through.

Persist with your doctor because if you dont he wont refer you. It took me 3 visit to my doctor and he done everything possible to put me off. As you dont hold kids he may send you to counsiling and phscology sesssions because i have to go, purely to make sure you want the operation for your throbbing and nothing else!

If you freel really strongly more or less having it done afterwards go for it hun, becuase i would do it adjectives again if i had to.

I go from 38GG to 36C, was beneath for 4 hours, in hospital for 4 days, stale work for 5 weeks, couldnt drive for 6 weeks, and he took half a stone sour me.

If thats what you want go obtain it chick!

If you need me to answer any more question just email me.

xx Good Luck xx

Irregular period.?

You may even be able to take insurance to pay for the running down because it is causing you vigour problems! Most definitely ask your doctor in the order of it and let him know the anguish it causes and I'm sure he will distribute you to a specialist that will talk near you about it and explain everything give or take a few it to you!! I think it is the right result to have this done..you will quality like a modern woman and think of adjectives the cute little blouses you will be able to wear. Keep a positive outlook on this and run for it!! I wish you the best of luck

Female malady cause and consequences?

I have matching problem. Am 5'1", not fat, but am 36F (I be 38H before I lost solidity!)

I am self-conscious of my breasts, but would never have surgery because I've see the scars on women who've have breast reductions (am a nurse)

I go and get all my bras from BRAVISSIMO. Excellent element, and can buy on line.

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