I can not shift to the restroom..?

For the past two months I am have a hard time pooping. I go to the doctor and they just told me to incorporate fiber into my diet. So for the past month and a partially I have done so.. still nought. I am not able to poop unless I use a laxative and I don't know how undisruptive those are to use. Please someone help.. I am other bloated.

Ur hymen?dildo?

Ok you need to see your dr. again and report to him to refer you to a colon specialist because that does not sound right at adjectives. Upon using fibre you should plainly see movement. I know some general practioners/family dr.'s deem they know everything and feel near is no worry and will not refer patients to a specialist but I would run with your gut instinct and right immediately I'm going with mine.so if I be you I'd ask for a second opinion! Also webmd is a great online mention as well. Just for design though not for a diagnosis! Good luck! It'll be ok!

Every time I go swimming, I attain a yeast infection. How can I prevent this?

Try drinking more water, lots of wet. It helps. Take some shots of prune liquid every morning as well.

Good Luck!

Can girls win pregnant on thier period?

there is this entry called "Isabgole" its the skin of a plant. it make you do it easily and hold you stomach fit. if you cant get it i will dispatch you . its not expensive. just 5 ot 8 dollars.
i hope you cn grasp it frm your place. in suitcase of any problem do me a mail. [email protected]

Plan B pill after an abortion?

See your doctor again, and if they put in the picture you the same entry again, go to another doctor. It sounds as if I don`t know your colon is blocked, or something like that. No issue what though, you need something more than lately fiber in your diet, becauuse not have a proper bowel movement for that long is really not good.

Anyone next to the same line history during pregnancy? Plz help!?

You want to find out what is causing your constipation. Drink prune liquid daily or guzzle prunes. Eat lost of fresh veggies and fruits every day. Use metamucul, benefiber or citrucel 2-3 times a time and be sure to mix it with at LEAST 8 ounces of wet. If your stools are hard use Colace aka docusate 2-3 times every daylight to keep them soft. Sit on the toilet for at least possible 5 minutes every single day after breakfast whether you budge or not to try to retrain your bowels. If you haven't had a clad BM by the second evening then use a product similar to Miralax and if that doesn't work by the third day next use a suppository. Do work on finding out what is causing your constipation.

My friend say she doesnt feel anything when have sex..?

dried apricots, raw fruit, natural veggies, keep using the fiber that you are using, and munch through grapenuts for breakfast. only intact grain breads. lots of marine

Please help me i hold a.?

Im actually within the same situation!

I begin being constipated final November. Around Christmas I found I wasn't going for a week 1/2 at a time. I ignored it and finally get fed up and go to the doc late Jan. He give me a list of a few different lax. doculax, milk of mag. magnesium citrate etc... the mag citrate worked close to a charm and I became more regular for a few weeks. I started intake a high fiber diet. Bought alot of the Fiber One yummy peanut butter bar (9gms. fiber)

Then after a few weeks I became constipated again, took a doculax and some mag. citrate. I be reg for another 3-4 weeks ish. then it happen all over again. I get fed up once again and go to my doc. He prescribed some Mirilax, It is sopose to regulate your bowls and all that apposite stuff. He also referred me to a gastronomist to get checked out.

So I go to the specialist and all that jolt did was told me to be on a giant fiber diet and to take more lax. After I already told him that I smoothly took in 30-40 grams of fiber a morning after I kept becoming constipated. I swear doctors don't listen today..

Lax are also ok to take from time to time, but eventually it will give somebody a lift more and more lax to get your bowls moving because your body will start depending on them to move your bowls for you, so don't become addicted :)

I hope you own more luck with your problem than I did near mine :) Good Luck!



I also used that site for my fiber diet and such, it explains the amount of fiber in most fiber filled foods, and explains why you involve both types of fiber in your diet. it help me :)

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