I enjoy hirsutism and PCOS i hate myself and my HAIRY BODY assist im 16?

IM 16 AND A GURL i have alot of quill on my stomach/chest and face my mom know about the coat on my face we go to a doc and she gave me birth control pills and everything but i enjoy alot of hair on my stomach that i shave stale i hate myself i other feel similar to given up i even think i hold when it comes to school i entail somebody to talk to who is going thru duplicate thing.is nearby any thing i can do to attain rid of the body hair at home for moral plz help dont be mean

Stabing misery in my boobs?

I know exactly how you touch. When I was your age PCOS be not really heard of. And resembling you I had more mane then most girls, not to mention it be dark so it be very noticable.

I enjoy been shaving my chin, belly, arms, legs and every where on earth else since I was enormously young.

Knowing what I know now nearly PCOS. Try using a hair bleaching agent, for your frontage and belly. Don't shave because it will just create the hair come contained by more course which TRUST ME will be harder to deal beside as you get elder. If you feel the call for to remove the hair consequently wax not shave. While waxing is more mortified the hair will not grow contained by any darker nor will grow surrounded by course. (like a mans beard).

I aspiration I had someone to chitchat to when I was your age and I didn't find out what be wrong with me until I be in my untimely 20's. I also take birth control and metformin to serve with the PCOS. Talk beside your doctor about the metformin it help control the testosterone. You will need to find a obedient endocronologist to help you near PCOS.

It's hard to consistency like a girl when you discern like a freak but honey YOU ARE BY NO MEANS A FREAK! You enjoy a condition and don't let it rule your duration. Get your mom involved and have her read up on it and communicate her how you feel and that you want to start doing something TODAY roughly the situation. PCOS can cause abundant things such as:

Not able to hold children
male template baldness
Excessive hair growth
Skin Tags
Hypertention (high blood pressure)
Absence of period or irregular periods
and the list go on and on.
Be PROACTIVE with this condition they diagnoised you impulsive so you have a conflict chance to draw from it under control. Good luck to you!

White stuff?

Birth control is the standard treatment given by doctors, but several people are not aware that using a cream containing intuitive progesterone (chemically identical to what your body produces) applied to the skin can comfort to restore the hormone balance and address PCOS and other problems related to estrogen dominance. Natural progesterone also does not enjoy the side effects such as mood changes and shipment gain that often come near the synthetic hormones in birth control pills. Ask your mom if she would be feeling like to take you to a colloquial practitioner who can test your saliva for hormone level and discuss with you whether using inbred progesterone could help your condition. Don't tender up!

Major help required please!!?

Let's first talk a bit almost the cause and different path of treatments:

Most chronic health problems, including polycystic ovary syndrome and ovarian cysts, result from complex combinations of adjectives genetic susceptibility and controllable environmental factors -- including biochemical, nutritional, behavioral and psychological factor.

There is a lot you can do to prevent or minimize polycystic ovary syndrome and ovarian cysts, even if you be born with a genetic development to develop cystic ovaries. You can't change the genes you adjectives. But you can change how your genetic program is expressed. By study what behaviors in your on a daily basis life affect your internal chemistry, you can choose to favorably alter these effects and minimize or possibly exterminate polycystic ovarian syndrome and ovarian cysts.

Oral contraceptives, anti-androgens, and insulin-sensitizing agents like metformin can be adjectives for some women. But they don’t restore your health. They don’t remove the underlying raison d`être of your health problems and cystic ovaries. Like adjectives pharmaceutical products, they also have potentially undesirable side effects.

As you notice you can get the treatment from a conventional medical doctor, or a
ND( naturopath doctor) who applies organic approach.

I advise you consult next to a ND who's qualified and has experince in women's robustness. You might be surprised to see tremendous changes surrounded by your condition.

Meanwhile you may try the following recommendations for PCOS

1.Diet - Sugars Avoidance / Reduction -
A dignified sugar diet causes size with further insulin resistance and aggravation of PCOS.
Rely more on fresh fruits and green vegetables. Avoid commercial fruit juice which are loaded with extra sugar.

2.Weight Loss - markdown in consignment results in regular period.

3. Exercise regularly - e.g. brisk walking every day for minimum 30 min., it's a moral start.

4. Avoid dairy products including, milk, cheese, cream, and butter.You may try organic youghurt near live/active bacterial culture.
Have nut-butters, and fruits spread, instead.

5. Try lean cut of meat - preferably oraganic, hormone-free meats, e.g. turkey, chicken, and fish are appropriate ones.

6. Reduce consumtion of processed, and refined carbohydrates, e.g. white bread, white pasta, etc. Try more complete grains.

Natural Progesterone - Many women beside PCOS have have success using progesterone cream to backing produce regular periods.

For excess body and facial quill - you've got the better way out with two choices: almost to the durable stage:
electrolysis, and lazer hair removal

Don't shave you facade and body. It stimulates the hair follicule and grows put money on coarse.
Try a bleaching cream - it make them almost invisible.

Waht is the best ?

Hi! I see that most relatives have already written some great counsel about PCOS - such as not to shave the spike etc...so I won't go over adjectives that again.
I just required to make sure that you know, you are NOT ALONE! Many copious many women enjoy PCOS and you'd be surprised at how many women do enjoy a lot of body and facial down - we are not all as sound as the girls in the magazine! So please don't hate yourself, nobody is "perfect". I hope that a bit of wax and other things, perhaps laser treatment might abet you but please find confidence from within too. You are exquisite the way you are, and PCOS is horrible - because its symptoms can generate you feel far from lovely but you will find ways to deal near them all, and only just anyone notices except you anyway.
Please nick the advice of the relations here, try some waxing or spike removal creams from your pharmacy and remember the whole intention there are so lots of these products is because SO MANY women have one and the same problem as you.you are not alone.
And FYI, I live in a Mediterranean country at the moment and the women are essentially for the most part much much hairier, and it's a misconception that women don't enjoy any body hair except tiny little immaculate areas.we are human, hair happen.you are beautiful :-)))
Oh and PS, loads of articles not long say that drinking Mint Tea really help with hirsutism and I know 3 women next to PCOS all of whom said it plainly reduced their hair growth.might be worth a try!

Help!! my not here leg and foot hurts.there is swelling.my doc checked and cant find anything.c/scan&ultrasound?

There's another anti-androgen pills that will help remove the hair growth.
You might want to consider laser quill removal. I've got PCOS and appreciate how you feel. I a moment ago pluck and wax - shaving isn't a good model because it grows back dark and thicker.
You mom might be able to make conversation to her insurance company to see what kinds of procedures they will remuneration for, that might help form things cheaper.
Good luck!

Birth control question?

I hold the same problem...my doctor put me on Yaz and Spironolactone...the spiro is an anti-androgen and decrease the hair growth. It take a few weeks to see results but I have be pretty pleased with it. You can also ask your doctor roughly speaking vaniqua cream.

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