Ugh, What do you construe this could be?

I have be experiencing some pain over the ultimate few days (since about Sunday or Monday) where on earth I have feel lower abdominal pain (nothing excruciating but still mortified nonetheless, kind of feel like cramps that are associated near your period) that at least I enjoy noticed today have been by and large targeted to my right side but it also feels close to pressure maybe (and first begin like a mild nausea), own a mild whitish discharge (but no odor),have experienced some mild burning and I do experience stomach-ache when I pee especially when I just finish doing so (God this is so shameful...). I do not have to be in motion too frequently but that is the solely time that I actually consistency a strong pain. I own been impressively sexually active near my boyfriend recently (at least possible once a day for a moment or two over a month now) and am really worried as to what this could be. I have made an appointment beside my OB/GYN for tomorrow but would like some opinion as to what you all conjecture it might be. Thank you...

Lower abdomen hurts when i pick my foot up to put into a duet of jeans..?

probably a bladder infection. If you do not go to the bathroom and cancelled immediately after sex, you will be prone to repeat infections.

Why do some women own a problem with semen?

sounds similar to a water infection that may enjoy travelled up to the kidney. Course of antibiotics will shift it.

How do you know?

Could be a kidney infection. You would experience a pain contained by your side and possible UTI symptoms. (Burning with urination, or going frequently.) Good entry you are going to the doctor. Antibiotics will clear it all up. Drink lots of hose to start helping yourself now.

Any one else sick of judments?

To be totally honest it doesn't nouns like a urinary infection or you would be have to go more frequently. It's suitable you have an appointment beside your OB/GYN to get to the bottom of this, the sooner you find out, the sooner you can grasp the problem take caution of.

Is it an orgasm.?

It almost sounds like kidney stones. I would see your doctor to rule out bladder or any other type of infection though.

What could motive 2 periods within 1 month?

It sounds like it could be a Urinary Tract Infection. Until you see the doctor, as discomfited as it sounds, drink as many fluids as you can (water, cranberry juice) but try to stay away from soda and caffeine as those can irritate it worse.

On average how yawning does a vagina dilate during child birth?

Part of those symptoms sound resembling a urinary tract infection, but only your doctor can notify for sure. Good luck.

How much higher are the chnaces of becoming pregnant when ovulating compared to when you are not?

May be a urinary tract infection of some sort. Drink lots of sea, hold off on the sex for immediately until you have see your Dr.

My boyfreind came on my belly and it may own driped down, i am on birthcontrole but should i be worryed?

It could be a kidney infection or STD not trying to scare you. Either bearing there are medicine I have have a lot of kidney problems and it sounds adapted.

Vaginaaaa .. does it get loose?

This is most predictable a urinary tract infection, quite adjectives especially when you are frequently sexually active, except that it could be bacterial vaginosis, neither are life threatening, basically uncomfortable, capture to your ob/gyn and tehy will be able to make clear to you for sure and diagnose some medication for you to clear it up.

I have small lumps on them - is here something wrong?

this has different name for different should really help alot please check it out.

It seem to me you might have a urinary tract infectfion.
Women are more prone to urinary tract infections because the tube running from the bladder to the outside (the urethra) is much shorter than in men. Because the urethral crack is relatively close to the anus in women, microbes that are normal present from the colon can smoothly contaminate the female urethra. A urinary tract infection in young-looking women is often associated next to increased sexual activity. try some cranberry liquid.


appendix ! don't worry, but you will want it removing , its a very simple operation, devout luck xx

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