What is brest feed?


On the 7th time of my extent?

Breastfeeding is the feeding of an infant or young child next to breast milk directly from a woman's breasts, not from a baby bottle or other container. Babies have a sucking reflex that enable them to suck and swallow milk.

I am 13 and I havent have my interval within over one year! And that spell be my first. What wrong beside me?

.wow. okay, when a woman becomes pregnant and has a toddler she lactates(milk is produced through her breasts) The milk is there to feed the kid. Just like any other mammal.

it is important to breast nurture too, because some studies have found that children do not develop mentally to their full potential(brain growth)

Most night i am woken up by shooting, cramp close to dull pain .?

Feeding your baby milk from your breast
It is righteous for them
It is good for their brain their body, all of them

CAN any Gynocologists please minister to!!?

First of adjectives, it's Breast, not brest.

Breastfeeding is when a mother feeds her infant the milk from her breasts.

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First of all it's when baby's suck on their mom's nipple. And second of adjectives why are you asking these stupid questions

When did you attain your time ?

When a baby extracts breast milk from the mother's breasts.

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Virgin or not?

It when a little one sucks milk from the nipple on your breast. Ask your mom.

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ask ur mom she will xplain it good

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