Girls lone please... please serve!
Answers: First thing you should do is give an account your appt would ease your mind.never too early to find a cyst. .
resourcefully the first thing to do is to feel 1 breast to find the lump later feel the other to see if it has one and the same location of the lump in the first breast if so its most likely a muscle but if go ask ur mom to take you for a every twelve months physical , i jus had one and wut the docter does is examine your whole body and most importantly is that they will discern ur boobs for lumps and if they find somthin they will say if theres somthing wrong i would suggest to stop eating chocolate... or if u play any sports ur clavicle might of shifted down and rubbed against ur departed breast which may of formed a tumor like substance and caused a shred which caused a knot contained by ur pectoralis major.
Tell your Mom ask your mom or a doctor