Is this a beneficial answer?

Do you think that when someone asks a query about birth control and someone answers that they should newly not have that a really advantageous answer? I don't think it is. It's not what they asked.

The road I see it.if they are asking the question surrounded by the first place, they are having sex or are going aren't going to adapt their mind about that. So they should procure helpful tips going on for being locked and stuff, right?

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Of course it's not a sympathetic answer. At best, it's a self-righteous, smug answer. I don't know the resourceful question, but for sure a warning around STD's would have be appropriate. If someone asks about birth control, a apposite answer would discuss the benefits and problems with respectively method of birth control.

A few birth control questions?

I agree near you. Telling someone not to have sex is not productive. They should be made aware of adjectives their choices as well as out comes.

GIRLS ONLY . What do I do if it continues?

yeah some ppl in recent times do that just to bring back points its annoying its like ppl own reasons to ask the sound out

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I agree near you.. but you know as well as I do within are some people surrounded by the world that always enjoy to put in their "view on life" and what is considered right and wrong... The person who be asking the question may or may not own someone in their time that is okay beside telling the being it's okay to wait. So while it may not be valuable to everyone, it might help some kid from making a mistake. .. ...

Absence of Periods?

Ohhh I completely agree! I dislike intensely when people answer something that wasn't even asked. I know when I ask question, I don't want to be told don't have sex. Some all over the place person on isn't going to devolution my lifestyle, so I don't know why people debris their time!

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Your right, It's kinda of annoying & not at all considerate when people don't answer your grill. They tell you something that have nothing to do near your question.

They simply want the points.

Dad and period?

they asnwer their belief if you dont like it dont read it or choose it as best answer its our right to answer doesn`t matter what we want

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Yea if someone asks going on for birth control you should really be honest and not be like dont enjoy sex, its going to happen. If they are asking for give support to dont be a punk and push them away with a lame answer, basically dont answer at all.

Period aid?

i completly agree with you. they are looking for answers, because they are taking the birth control to facilitate them or else they a moment ago wouldn "do it" i think your rught and culture should give correct answers not those stupid ones.

HELP ME please?

It is not helpful to the creature who is asking. they are looking for guidance like you suggest.
we have need of to give more thought to what we are writing and chew over what would we do in their shoes.

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no it's not a helpful answer. I surmise anyone who doesn't answer the question or spams should achieve a violation and lose 4 points per interrogate.

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