HELP ME please?

I've had discharge for more or less three or four months now, and I still haven't gotten my length yet? When will i GET IT?!?!?

I be told by my doctor that I don't have a UTI or IC what is it?

Its tough to tell. Everyone is different. It is a suitable thing though it is a sign that you will soon start your extent it could be tomorrow a week of a few more months, there is zilch you can do somake the most of it being white and not red!

English, PLEASE!?


Bra and time of year questions?

your body a short time ago isn't quite set yet =if you are that bothered just about it go acquire a check-up

Started BRENDA PILL gained freight and bloated over last few weeks! is this adjectives with brenda35?

Sounds close to you have an infection and possibly a sexually transmitted disease; you may also be pregnant.

You have need of to see your healthcare professional immediately.

Feel odd after having tubes tied?

oh honey if you hold had discharge for this long and no term you probably have P.I.D.=pelvic inflammatory may be something else as very well but you need to see a physician time to loaf...p.i.d..can prevent you from having children surrounded by the future and can organize to ovarian/uteran cancer..i dont want to scare you but it merely doesnt sound angelic if you havent gotten your may hold a cyst or fibroid as well but you cant give an account unless you have test done by a doc..good luck hun and goooo!!...ok i cogitate i read the question wrong if you havent started your extent then this is a sign and it will come soon,i be the same know women and hormones but try not to stress because that could hold it back me youre not missing anything but for peace of mind be in motion to your doctor..

Registered Nurse Practioner

Help me please!!?

You do not say how frail you are or if you have ever have your cycles. A Young girl might have discharge for a couple of years prior to launch her cycle.

Yeh period pains?

dont verbs. you will get it when your body is set.

My menstrual and Excercising?

You have certainly nothing to be concerned almost. I started my period when I be 13 and one of my friends didn't start hers till she was 17! So don't verbs, it'l come eventually.

Hard nipples?

your ok, i discharged 2 years until i got my spell.

How can I lose the baby cargo?


I feel approaching crap today?

dont worry girls capture there period at different times. maybe your only just a lae bloomer? :-)

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