What are the likelihood? Stopping the pill on the 10th pill?

If I have sex on the 10th daytime of my pack of pills but do not take that pill or anyother pill after that, and hold sex in the following week, What would my likelihood be of being pregnant? Im not on the pill to prevent pregnancy, of late for painful period. Been wanting to come off for ages and my boyfriend finally agreed.

Answers:    You own a pretty good occasion of getting pregnant when you stop taking your pill at any point of the pack. but it can also take a few months, possibly up to a year for your body to start releasing eggs like ordinary. It all depends on your body. Good luck
You own a good coincidence of becomming pregnant. Most women ovulate between days 12-16 of their cycle. Since you quit on day 10 and after had sex that sunshine and again the following week, you were have sex when you could have be ovulating. Sperm can live in the vagina for 72 hours, so even if you have sex a day back you ovulated, you can still become pregnant. I mean this respectfully, but if you are sexually helpful and wanted to come bad of the pill, why would you not use a condom? If you dodged pregnancy this cycle, consider it luck. If your periods are regular (every 28 days) and you choose not to use birth control pills or condoms, you could practice the rhythm method. This is where on earth you avoid sex during your fertile (ovulation days). This method has a big fail rate due to the reality that stress, medications, and body fluctuations revision when you ovulate. Speak with a doctor almost a method that will be acceptable to you. Good luck!

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