Girls merely please?

I sorta have a feeling i am going to win my period, and my symptoms are
Side hurts
emotion change
breasts hurt
and thats it but i am only 12.
is it going to be a period?

Bleeding after IUD?

Sounds approaching it could be your period. It's ok to talk to your mom or dad just about it. They will understand and can help you.

8 yrs on Depo... Want to obtain rotten of adjectives BC for a while... Smart conception?

it may be your extent you might just be going through puberty im pretty sure you are ...well ask your mom i be aware of comfortable with a women or a women a trust to talk to something like that so go talk to a women that u trust and ask them :)

Soft breasts?

I am going to start from the begginning of your record.

Check (but have they deveoloped in any method, shape or form?)
Your age is average

Have you had discharge? Well if so it lasts for give or take a few 2 years

I know nearby are close to a 1,000 discharge question...?

Maybe, But really you can only wait & see.
Keep a wipe with you in your hindmost pocket just in covering.

Please no distasteful or judgemental answers. This is a serious "woman" ask?

Most likely. You are at an age where it is possible and those are adjectives possible signs that it's coming soon.

What are parenthood pad?

period duh it's great if you want it once it happen you should chomp through a lot of chocolate

Just started birth control, time of year cross-examine?

Yes. More than likely.

Could I own endometriosis?

it could be and your not to young my grandma have hers when she was 9 and i had mine when i be 11 it's perfectly normal

Does "days former ovualtion" plan after the few days ovulation is occuring?

Weird cravings - pregnant?
Um am i regular ?? plz serious answers!?
No underarm fleece?
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