Are you saposed to get your spell 28 days from?

the 1st day or the last daytime of your last time of year?

Took inactive pill on Sunday, extent not here yet and it is Wednesday.?

Well I almost other see this one answered incorrectly. Not all period are 28 days and infact you're still normal even if it's 24 - 32 days contained by between each extent.

You count from the first day of the time of year to the first day of the subsequent period. If you started on april 1st later you should start again on April 28th. You can be sure that I'm 100% correct by looking at a pack of 28 day birth control pills. You'll observe that there are 28 pills surrounded by a pack and if you start your period on the first blank pill consequently you'll start your next extent on the first blank pill and that works for which ever blank you started your first period on even if it's the 2nd, 3rd and so on.

What does it stingy if all of the sudden your urine have a sulfur smell?

Last day of your end period. And it can be a light of day or two off, don't take too worried over it. But if it gets excessively slowly or early, consult a doctor, to breed sure you don't have an infection or anything!


You count your cycle from the first morning of your period. Periods aren't like length, and the only date that you possibley be indubitable of is the first day of your cycle. That's why it's counted from morning one always and forever.

However, 28 days is down their cycle for the largest number of women, but that doesn't make a "normal" length and it indeed doesn't make it your typical length. You can only explain to that by keeping track of your cycle, using any calendar.. The only exceptional length is no cycle.

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