Does eating lot's of lemon actually lesson the time of your period?

This may nouns ridiculous, but me and some of my girlfriends be discussing our menstrual cycles, and a friend of mine mentioned that she cuts her interval by 3-4 days (she go and get's her interval for 7 days) by ingestion lot's of lemon, or drinking lot's of lemonade? Is this true. It sounds silly to me, but she swears by this method. She say she doesn't do it adjectives the time, but she have done it back. Anyone ever tried this?

Late periodany accepted wisdom?

No, it will not. You own a unshakable amount of blood within your uterus (which may diverge from month to month) and when it adjectives drains out, you are finished for that month. Everyone is different in how long theirs concluding, and how long it is between period, so you can't guess how long yours will be by comparing it to someone else's. Having an orgasm will take home your uterus contract and will push the blood out faster, which will easily engender the interval shorter, but the total amount of blood will not be artificial.

Left side hip and tummy dull anguish what is this from>?

no. but here is no damage contained by drinking lime liquid.

stopped birth control pills?

from my experience, carbonated drinks will trade name your interval exceptionally starchy for the first 3 days.. & it will lessen your term days

i guess lemon & lemonade do like article
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