Late period.?

I went on leave 2 weeks ago which was tremendously stressful.. At that time I was 14 days into my cycle and yes I did hold sex around this time. He pulled out the first time then we used a condom the rest of the time.. Now my time is late by 5 days. I did appropriate a pregnancy test at home and it come up negative yesterday. I hold having cramps but no time of year.. Has this happend to anyone else? I'm never late and Im stressing.!!

Is near any thnink with the size of private organ beside intercouse.?

Stressing out is definitely going to clear you even more late. Calm down, lift a deep breath and relax. If it hasn't come contained by another week, retake the test.

Abortion.ya or na?

no not me

My Brest..?

Yes this is enormously normal. Especially when you are stressed out it can do you to be late. Sometimes its on uncommen to miss it a month.

Does anyone know can make happen slight to painful chest pains,?

Maybe you're past due because you're stressing so much. Get another home test & do it again. Get a moral reputable brand like EPT or First Response.

Crying and stitches?

It could be PMS sex can sometimes push your extent back. I've have cramps up to 2 weeks before my cycle.

Pink, is it doomed to failure?

Give it a few more days.. It will come periods are never duplicate.. Any amount of sperm can get you pregnant.. It doesnt situation if he pulled out.. Doctors always read aloud to wait 2 weeks after your missed length.. If you were pregnant you should grain tenderness surrounded by your breast.. I just found out i be pregnant 2 weeks ago..

Know of a natural response and effective condom from a woman's perspective?

stress can be paid a period wierd. Pregnancy can too. Wait it out for a week and if you still don't bring it, test again. Sometimes it's too precipitate for the test to pick it up.


don't be stressed - usually even a exchange in climates can raison d`??tre your period to come deferred or u can skip a month if the test is denial just clutch another one next week to be 100% sure but don't verbs about it stress can incentive you to skip too

Why do some women have especially vivid dreams when they are menstruating?

Stress can impose a late spell. Home tests are usually pretty accurate, but not 100%. Try another testing in a couple days, or telephone call your doc for a blood test.

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