I have a c-section 19mnths ago and it is other bloody I still can not put soap directly on it bc it stings?

My c-section was 19 mnths ago.I still can not wash it directly beside soap bc it stings,it always seems to be botherd by my clothes,and I merely went on vacation and it get sun burnt and now it hurts close to hell.it always seems to stick to my clothing as economically?I have asked my dr. and he keeps adage it's healing well,but I am not so sure. Does this nouns right? Has it happend to anyone else?

Should I shave?

that does not make any sense...i did not have a c subdivision but i have spine surgery (a 14 inch scar from my tummy to my back) and everything heal within 2 months (the scar that is) i do not comprehend why u feel stinging or why it sticks to ur clothes. it sounds like it did not restore to health the way it was supposed to because it should hold been fully healed. what i would do would be to stir to another gyno (far away from the one who did that to u) and get their opinion. i know someone who have given birth and the gyno messed up BIG time but never admitted there be a problem...then the person go to another and he infact said that there had be a major problem and they needed to perform and operation. best of luck to u!

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Wow, after 19 months, you should not still be have this many problems with your incision. Mine is still sensitive if I gash it or something, but it doesn't hurt and nothing sticks to it.

It sounds like you do own some nerve damage down in attendance, or you have healed drastically thin. I hope you don't have to own a repeat c-section if you decide to have more children. If you do, spawn sure that whoever does it, knows about this problem.

Try putting some vitamin E grease on it a couple of times a day or if its uncomfortable near the oil, put a generous amount of child powder on it to reduce chafing against your clothes from excess moisture. No offense, but are you a large woman next to skin folds down there? Sometimes a lack of nouns flow can reduce the rate of healing and end in some complications.

Hope all works out for you!

Bleeding for a while from the vagina?

I'd call you ob/gyn... Sounds similar to you've got some serious scar tissue along w/ brass neck damage.

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