Ok,I dont know but I........?

ok,well Im 13 years prehistoric and my birthday was 5 months ago,and very well I dont have my interval yet,and I did hold before I be 13 alittle well kinda hurt pains below my stomach and now I experience smaller amount.And also,I've only be noticing a few times presently that happens but not that aching...just a tiny bit. And Im not fully developed resembling breast I only hold a very little and Im not expericncing ANYTHING!Is nearby something wrong with me motive I dnt even know know..

I need breast expansion. Is Natureday Breast Enlargement my right choice? Is it safe?

There's nil wrong with you, hun. You're 13, it's middle-of-the-road right now. Don't verbs!

How long does it take for the birth control patch to start working?

you are typical. you are just going into puberty postponed. The average age for pubery is 14.


No, you probably weren't feeling cramps past you turned 13. And bodies are weird, so don't freak. My mom didn't capture her period till she be 17, my sister got hers at 12 and so did I. You newly have to hand over your body time. But be so freaking happy you don't enjoy a period, no ploy they suck big time.

To all the women out nearby?

I got mine around 12 (which is certainly kind of early), and remember have wierd cramps and such under my stomach for comparatively a few months before anything really started. You're probably fine, but could ask your doctor subsequent time you have a check-up if you are still concerned.


Hey, don't verbs; it's ok. Some girls don't get their time until they are sixteen. I was 13 when I get mine, so you are not that far behind me. Everyone mature physically at a different rate. I promise, you will mature. If you are concerned in the order of stomach pains, I recomend talking to your mom, and conceivably your doctor as well. Those pains may simply be from your diet or something random approaching gas or whatnot. If they get unpromising, or you experience them quite regularly and can't connect them to something in your day by day life, consequently talk to your doctor. Doctors are nearby to help and they know what they are doing, so embezzle advantage of the supervision that is available to you. Be stretch out with your mom, I'll bet she's get some good direction. Again, don't worry, every woman on the planet go through puberty; just hand over your body time to figure out what it's doing.

Birth control pills?!!?

there is nought wrong with u girl ...i get my period when i be 14 i was startled too but i got it eventually...dont verbs ur only 13 ull find it .just own patience

(FEMALES ONLY) i know this is goin to nouns terrible but im not sure what to do.?

Nothing wrong near you. Your just developing more slowly than others, trust me when your length does come, and it will... I asure you, you will hate it when it does come. Love yourself don't verbs about what other girls own and don't have. Be proud of your body. Remember here is only one of you embrace your body and your person. Most of all BE YOURSELF AND LOVE YOURSELF THE WAY YOU ARE. Your pretty the way you are.

Do adjectives virgins bleed the first time they have sex?

At 13 it's strong to be patient, but your time will come. On average a women can expect to enjoy about 400 cycles, so this could be worthy news, your reproductive system is not up and set and neither are you, so your reproductive years will probably last longer as far as your age is concerned than that of your piers!

Does this propose i luv him?

you need to find out more going on for how your body works either from a parent or doctor! theres nought wrong with you the age when you seize your period differs for everyone some relatives dont get their spell till their late teens! i know of relatives who even had their spell and didnt have it again for 3 years! and i distinctly wouldn't worry give or take a few breasts they develop through puberty so from 12 to 18 and above even!

if you dont feel comfortable asking someone for information try these websites:

and in dedicated http://www.iwannaknow.org/puberty/index.

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