Girl Stuff?

What do you do if you ge your period at conservatory and are so embrresed that you don't want to tell any one?

I entail your help again, please!?

i other have a tampon, other carrie protection!!

just incase. if u forget somehow.. progress to the nurses office dont be embaressed..

best of luck. my wisehs to ya!

Ex-Bf Problem?

u shouldnt be embarrased ! this is going to be something that u contract with most of ur natural life!

Why do guys change when the weather get warm?

go to the vigour nurse or make sure you other have protection within your purse or locker

How do guys know about girls have their periods?

If its desperate just report the teacher you dont touch good and turn to the nurse and borrow whatever you necessitate from the nurse. If it isnt that bad continue til you get home.

I be wondering what you all preferedpads or tampons?

Stuff some tissue contained by your panties and wear your jacket around your waist to cover your butt.


Don't tell anyone, and if you're leak go to the nurse's or use toilet dissertation or something.

At my school, everyone's pretty hands-off on people man on their periods. Actually, they tend to announce it to individuals when they are -_-

Will my boobs still grow.?

Haha, been in that, done that. But I had to confide within my friends. If not , what else would you do. My friends are my life saver. Thankfully that day my friend have spare sweats. Make sure you keep a duet handy at all times.

A press about the daylight after pill?

Well, you shouldn't be embarrassed. It's middle-of-the-road and it happens to everyone. Just lightly tell your instructor or ask to be excused to go to the bathroom. It's a pious idea to take tampons or pads surrounded by your locker or purse just surrounded by case. I usually convey them when I know my period is coming. I also wear a panty liner if I know it will come soon. If you don't enjoy anything, then progress see the nurse and she should have them.

Am on my 13th week pregnancy.Last dark as I was bathing I notice that my washing towel be stained?

Go to the nurse; she has pad. And she's not going to be surprised.

Before my periods my nipples are tender but after my period they are itchy, why is that?

go to the nurse, she deals next to this all time, you may not think so, but she does. even if she is a frail rotten crotch of a lady.

Girls : is it true that you may discern uncomfortable prior have periods?

Honestly, if u don't own any tests or exalted things, call home. help yourself to the day rotten. LOL

Gaining weight?

Its nil to be embarrassed in the order of. Just make sure you hold like a jacket or something to cover yourself or ask a really pious friend who wont joke you on it if you can borrow something of theirs a moment ago to hold you until you can get to the nurses bureau. Thats what I would do.But, if you dont have any close by friends, ask your mentor if you feel comfortable beside him or her. Hope I've helped some :)

What is my first spell ment to be like?

You should communicate someone, you shouldn't be embarrassed because adjectives girls have it. I know what you be a sign of about person embarrassed but what are friends for? You should bring up to date them.

Is it true that if ur really xcited abt smtng u gt ur period impulsive?

you go to the nurses department and ask for a pad or tampon...if in attendance is no nurses office next ask a female educationalist or your best friend.

toilet paper is a pious substitution for emergencies.

ORTHO TRI-CYCLIN LO birth control?

I'm not sure of your question- are you asking how to gain the tampon/ pad to the bathroom or hold you bleed through yet? I use tampons so I collectively slip it up my long sleave or hide it contained by a pocket. If you've bleed through then thats a sticky situation (no pun intended). i would suggest any always have one of those tide bleach pens or keeping a spare set of two of pants within your locker. I'm 27 and this actually happen to me at work a few months ago- I was so embarrased I have to go to Walmart to buy a strange pair of pant... I wanted to die!!

I stopped nursing?

Don't be embarrased but if you are after just fold a couple pieces of toilet dissertation together to fit your underware (like a pad) and then newly wear it like a wipe until you can get home to describe your mom or somone that you feel comfortable recounting...but you really should tell somone because when you attain your period it's close to you becoming a woman.Good Luck!

Abnormalities on a mammogram?

it'll be a lot more crushing when people see your red form. if it catches you bad guard at school, carry some toilet paper and wrap it up till you can seize some real protection. if it is a short time more than paper can hold, detail your teacher you're not attitude well and stir to the nurse. they always own girl stuff.

Womencan't you find a guy who likes you the mode you are .with out breast implant ?

I know it's embarressing, but it's a normal section of being a woman. I usually purely ask a friend if they have an extra wipe i can use. The school nurse also have pads so you can ask to see him or her and you don't want to be embarressed. I would usually carry an extra wad in my backpack even if I wasn't supposed to find my period soon. Better protected than sorry, I think. If you are REALLY shy in the order of it maybe you could hail as your mom and ask her to bring you a pad or tampon or anything you prefer. Sometimes the bathroom has a despenser where on earth you can buy them for like a quarter. At my institution they also kept extra in the organization in the locker room.
I hope this help =)

Any opinions on Doctors contained by Crystal River, FL?

if i had a jacket tie it around your waist and budge to the office or nurse to give the name home

How big are 13 year old breasts supposed to be?

In several answers you will see, it's nothing to be embarresed something like. they are right.

Sad but True story.I was surrounded by the 6th grade, this be only my second time. I was wearing white pant, sitting in class the bell rang, I go to get up and in that was a pool within my chair. I be soooo embarrased, (after I cleaned it) I tied my white coat around my waste and run to the nearest phone to call home.

Track your date and make sure to hold "extras" in your purse, backpack or locker.

Is it okay to enjoy sex on the 2day my period would i bleed more or smaller number?

well i have have my period for over 5 or 6 years and honestly i be afraid to tell anyone ( especially my feminine teachers) but then i told her because my length made me sick so i ended up throwing up right subsequent to her (nasty) but she understood and she help take attention to detail of me. just describe a female mentor you trust it is not a big deal, trust me every women contained by the world has be through the same item and we all take to mean each other. I hope this make you feel better.

What can you do to relieve menstrual strain?

You can go directly to your institution clinic & ask for assistance.There will alwatys be available pads & etc that they can provide you near such problems.You can also approach any of your lady teacher or close girl friends for this,besides this is normal obligation not be imbarassed about it.

Can flying affect your time of year?

when you get close to have your can be along shirt.Or you can bring some money to school.and buy some tampons or napkins. it happend to me beforehand.Good luck.

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