Will my boobs still grow.?

im 14 and have 34A boobs & today my guy friend threw a really rugged soccer ball at my boob and it hurt SO inadequately!! it was red & stuff...will it still grow?

I am menstruating and only saw a "flap of skin" in my kotex what is wrong?


I am going to get a shot surrounded by about 2 hours, what should i do to composed down?

yea dont worry tryed that method to try to stop the growing they will still grow. dont verbs

You are girls, you think you could minister to me?

yes don't worry! Many girls win a ball or even punched contained by the boob and it hurts so bad but it still grows. I'm indistinguishable age and size as you so dont worry. Blah dont you decision they would hurry up and grow!?

When does a girl need bras beside much support?

my sister had like thing but she didnt achieve hit with a ball
i will imagine so, but not sure

Is this supposed to happen?

I own taken my fair share of really thorny soccer balls to the chest becuase I am a soccer player and my boobs still grew. I am a 36D. Don't verbs they will grow. (I am not that much older than you merely in suitcase you were wondering.)

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