Before my periods my nipples are tender but after my period they are itchy, why is that?


Why dont i have boobs?

they are tender in the past because of the flood of certain hormones surrounded by your system, they are itchy after because of the subsidance of those same hormones.

How do you wear white panties without stuff gettin on them?

Well in the past is due to hormone changes but I own no idea why they are itchy after sorry! I am sure someone near a bit more knowledge will come along soon!!

Is it ok to hold sex if I had a yeast infection?

If I'd asked my partner that give somebody the third degree, he'd have said to me 'because they have need of sucking more' see what I 've gotta put up with?

What are the effects of complete removal of thyroid gland?

i dont know but it turns me on

Menstrual cycle?

The itchiness is most possible from dry skin and chaffing. If your breast are getting swollen past your period from your hormone fluctuations, your bra will be tighter. If it is tighter more friction will ensue with every movement you brand. This will chafe the skin and cause the itch to appear. Try a hydrocortisone cream 2-3 times a daytime to see if that helps. I individually love the Aveeno one for any itch I have.

I did a hurried google search and I found this association, sounds like what I basically told you:

Why won't some doctors listen when you tell them you can't lose consignment and think it is your thyroid?

besides adjectives that , it's solid proof that even god has a sense of humour.

This is kinda heartless. girls only!?

That`s crude, baby, unless you unsurprisingly, you have a oil lamp skin decease. Does it go away, after a short time while? If so no worries. Otherwise I would see my doctor if I were you. Good luck!

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