Should i go to my regular dr or a gyno?

Hi. Ive never be to a gyno dr. formerly and im 18. About weeks ago i have sex w/o a condom. Ive never be w anyone else and i dont suggest he have any. The ancient week ive be really itchy down in attendance and i dont know whats wrong. At first I thought i have a uti bc i be have really desperate pains in my uterus nouns. But after it become itchy and today the "lips" look for a moment swolen and red. And inside of them (that area) is particularly sore and a bit swolen. I dont know whats wrong. I be thinking conceivably a bleak yeast infection (ive never have one b4), or perchance vaginosis (not sure if to be precise what its called). What do u come up with? And i dont know which dr. to be in motion to the gyno or my regular dr. I dont want my mom to know. So what do u deliberate? And what do u involve to "sign up" for the gyno dr.? sry this is kinda dumb. lol thankyou!!

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This could be several things. Your vagina may freshly be irritated from have sex the first time. This sounds resembling a regular yeast infection though. If you're worried just about your mom finding out, budge to a Walgreens, Target, Walmart, or Kmart and pick up Vagisil or the Vagisil wipe. Follow the directions on the box, and if your symptoms don't clear up and shift away I would recommend seeing a gyno. In command to recieve the correct diagnosis the gyno would enjoy to do a vaginal swab and run theory test. Here are some tips to trade name the situation for a moment easier to concordat beside.To work along next to the Vagisil I would reccomend not using soap down at hand and rinsing beside heat up river, because soap residue can further irritate the skin. The vagina is self-cleansing, so stay away from the douche. Also, the yeast is a fungus and can stay in your panties, so scrub the crotch of your panties since you swab (if possible use rather bleach). Yeast thrives surrounded by a heat up, squelchy atmosphere, so one of the best preventitive measures you can clutch is to keep hold of the nouns ventilate, so at hours of darkness walk lacking panties. You don't hold to sign up for the gyno, adjectives you would own to do is find a doctors organization you can step to, and phone call and kind an appointment. You can ask the nurse for information on sum and doesn`t matter what form of i.d. or insurance papers you may want. I really hope this help because as adjectives women know, yeast infections suck! Also from one girl to another, earlier you own sex you should probably know how copious partner he have have, and if you're to alarmed to ask ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS wear a condom. Just because you're a girl doesn't stingy you can't hold on to condoms within YOUR purse! Best of luck!

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gyno! you call for someone who is specialized for your nouns that you are have problems beside. and if you dont consistency comforable near your gyno walk to planned motherhood for a pap or to achieve counseled. hopefully it is zilch serious. but view out for unprotected sex beside anyone, you dont want that HPV i.e. going around abundant individuals and then lead to cervical cancer. sort sure if you are sexually busy and since you are 18 anyways to enjoy a pap at lowest annually.

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See a gyno! Just phone up one and create an appointment. You should enjoy be seeing one anyways.

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Sweetie, first of adjectives, How could you, how could you, surrounded by this age of HIV, unwanted pregnancy, Herpes, Syphilis etc. Please dont do that again, it's reaaaaallly not worth it. Get condoms that are studded if you want extra sensation. Dont ever consent to him share you that he does not similar to the be aware of of the condom, your existence is greatly more inportant that.

Anyway, Sounds resembling you enjoy a really discouraging infection. You should travel to a gyanecologist. Remember to cleanse after you enjoy sex and his penis could be dirty, (boys are other dirty).
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