Could the pill be why I am gaining mass?

I have be on the pill for like 11 years. I lone went bad when I got pregnant and for a few months when I tried the ring. I am on a unknown lower dose Avane (sp?) and it makes my length last resembling 2 days. I have be on it for several months but in the end month and a half I own put on about 5 pounds. I do not get through bad, solely between 900 and 1200 caloies a day. I tutor kindergarten and try to work out some at home when I can. I have maitained between 98-101 pounds for 2 years, but presently I am at 102-104 and I cannot get rid of it. I obligation help.

Help back??

Yes it can. Age also has an effect as powerfully. The older we become, the heavier we become (metabolism slows). You really shouldn't verbs about 5 lbs. unless you are on an uphill climb. Maybe merely increase your activity a touch bit. Go for a walk near your kid(s), spouse, pet on a regular basis. Park further away from your workplace. Take the stairs.

Do folks really shave..?

the pill can only be responsible for 5 pounds anything more than that the hormones own increased your appetite. it could also be that you are getting older and that your metabolism isnt what it used to be. are you really that worried? do you know how lots women would be happy to weigh104 pounds?

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