Do society really shave.....?

I know some people might contemplate I'm crazy.. but do some people really shave their pubic hair, and I'm talking in the region of people who aren't porn? Some relatives have a great deal but don't know what to do about it, and some society have a touch.

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Yes, people really do. It's a personal choice. It's also personal how one go abotu doing it.
I believe its hygenical to neaten up the area, you know, undamagingly trim here and there, do the bikini file...some people choose to hold it all past its sell-by date. To each his own, the largest thing is simply being verbs.

Help how big do u think my boobs will be?

No, not a soul ever shaves their pubic hairs, if you do you enjoy a high risk of getting a sexually transmitted disease and you could severely well die from it.

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