How much do breast implant usually cost?

i know there are different kind...

What type of recovery is required after have 1/2 of your uterus removed due to Cervical cancer?

I got mine for in the region of $5,000. It depends on the doctor though, so shop around!!

Can anyone please help me find a non-biased website?

10 Grand

How young at heart is too young?

any where on earth between 2,000-4,000 dollars

Does the labia minora seperare due to vaginal sexlike pictures i've seen its adjectives seperated and strechy?

well im not sure how much money they cost, but they can cost your life. they are not worth it

Why feminine genital tend to humid than male's ?

Please don't travel for breast implant coz it can lead to you a breast cancer.. Try using breast enhancement cream first...

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