Is it normal to own post-sex bleeding on Yaz?

I have be taking Yaz for 7 months. It is Yaz-not Yasmin. I have freshly started having this side effect, which by the means of access scares me to release. I have cysts adjectives over both my ovaries and inside them, but I don't know if that has anything to do next to the post-sex bleeding or not. I have be with this same guy for slightly some time now, and the finishing two times we've had sex I experience this after effect of bleeding. It's like peas in a pod as yours, not spotting but not drastically heavy. Enough where on earth I have to wear a tampon for just about a day. The first time I experienced this I have a pain on my lower moved out side while we were man intimate, then after that on I went to the bathroom and I be bleeding. I had no backache the next time, so I do not know if I should associate the cysts beside this bleeding or not. We use condoms normally, but these end two times we have not-if i.e. an issue or not, i don't know?I dont think Im pregnant and dont get hold of bleeding. I think i inevitability to go to the doc but hold no insurance now.

I want advice: serious relations only please.About a year ago I be raped. I know I should have reported it

I took Yasmin (Yasmin and Yaz are essentially alike medication although the dosing is a tad different but that's it) and had a huge problem near breakthrough bleeding after I used it for 6 months.

I had to stop it and turn on to a different birth control pill to treat the medical problems I have.

Because you don't enjoy insurance right now I would recommend checking to see if your city offer a free health clinic. If not, check to see if at hand is a Medical School close by to see if they might be able to sustain you with this.

What else apart from anyone pregnant?

You need to find a doctor that will allow you to compensate on the visit, and next pay more subsequently. Possibly if you explain , they will allow you to do this. But you really need to travel as soon as possible.

Such bleeding is an indication there is something wrong, and please dont wear another tampon until you found out what the problem is.

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