Girls Please Answer! i own to get a Transvaginal ultrasound done cuz i own a cyst on my ovary and i"m scared


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it go from uncomfortable to stomach-ache depending on the person. it really is a huge verbs. please realize that I'm not female. but I did work within a lab

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dnt b scared, of any operation for tht thing, i mean i haven't have it done, but i did have a main operation in concern of life or loss wen i waz 8, let me reassure you, nearby is absolutely nought to worry give or take a few, if will b ova b4 u can say 'aiight i'm primed'

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cyst don't hurt and you won't believe it but cyst are adjectives and a lot of woman enjoy them. it can go away by itself so don't verbs about it. merely follow your doctor's instructions and you will be fine.

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this is not an operation. You can email me at [email protected] and I can make clear to you what to expect.

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It's really no big deal. I be nervous too - when they said an 'ultrasound' I wasn't expecting THAT characteristics of an ultrasound. But if you can handle a rough yearly pelvic exam, you can pedal this ultrasound with no problem. They of late partially insert a small ultrasound device, and press it delicately against the inside of you towards your ovary. It doesn't hurt at all, newly a little pressure, no more than approaching inserting a tampon. You will be fine.

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Hi sweetie! No it doesn't hurt, but it's not comfortable, meaning that they put the piece inside your vagina. If anything it is very humiliating have somebody else put something inside of you down there. I have one done 12 years ago for an expected ovarian cyst. I'll say a prayer for you for comforting thoughts during this icky event and that they find zilch serious.

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It's not too bad. You insert a verbs (same size or smaller than a penis). Then the tech moves it around to take the pictures. I won't not tell the truth, it's uncomfortable but not impossible (I had a prob since my ovaries are shifted so it hurt a little). If you acquire a nice tech, they'll move the screen so you can see too. It's pretty cool.

Try not to stress just about it.

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A transvaginal ultrasound is a extraordinarily easy procedure, and does not hurt at adjectives! The ultrasound instrument is coated with a lubricant and circulated considerately around in your vagina. I am a big newborn when it comes to ob/gyn stuff, and I didn't mind it at all. It be painless and over very speedily. The only difficult member is that you have to drink a substantial amount of hose down before you enjoy the ultrasound, and it's very concrete not to pee for that length of time!

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I've had one for indistinguishable reason (ovarian cyst). no it doesn't hurt but they spawn you drink ALOT of water an hour since so by the time you have it done you enjoy to pee really bad! That is the worst section about it. They lately probably want to check it before your extent and after your period. Mine solely show up during ovulation and go away. They usually won't do anything in the region of them unless they are too big or they burst. Mine have be there for years next to no problems. Good luck

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The transvaginal ultrasound probe is a bit bigger than a finger. It is usually covered with a latex cover resembling a condom and is placed gently into the vagina. If you enjoy no serious infection, it should not hurt.
I have perform thousands of these exams and the fear is much worse than the exam, relax.
The pictures produced are heaps times better than the abdominal approach.
Old Ob Doc
PS: you don't need a full bladdder.

Yo can you plz lend a hand me?

Transvaginal ultrasounds really aren't that bad, considering what they mean.

The ultrasound wand is shaped like an extra long, immensely slim dildo (vibrator). The technician will put a condom on the wand and insert it into your vagina. It will be moved around to get a better picture of your ovaries. This *could* be humiliated if you embarrass easily, if you've never have sex or if you are sensitive in that nouns. Otherwise, it's not really that bad.

(Nearly) All women will enjoy cysts on their ovaries (they are what the eggs come out of: cysts=immature eggs). Did the doctor tell you the cysts looked close to a "string of pearls"? If so, you might want to research Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).

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I simply had this done because I too own cysts. I had to drink alot of marine before I go for the ultrasound they did on my belly. The sent me to pee, then they insert the other, it's just about the size of a normal curling iron.doesn't hurt, only a little discomfited. You will be covered by a not laying surrounded by the open. That's pretty much it. The merely down side is all the jelly they use. Good luck. It will be fine.

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