Should you drink hot marine or cold water on your interval?

this is my frist time period and i hear from my family that it is best to drink hot marine because it makes your time of year cycle flow that true? they said that you cant drink cold water because of cramps is stuff

What is cause this?

It dosent matter which one you choose.

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I think adjectives that is a nouns of bull. You are going to have cramps no issue WHAT. My suggestion is to invest in a bottle of Midol and a buttload of chocolate milk.

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makes no difference whatsoever.

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It doesn't make any difference!

Is this common?

just drinking water will help out it out, the temperature really doesnt take home a difference

Ladies, or ob/gyns, I'm having some problems here..?

It doesn't really event. Hot tea helps cramps though. Stick next to the hot.

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I've never heard of any of those effects of cold or warm river! I'd say drink anything you're thirsty for, though warm dampen (or tea) sometimes makes you perceive better if you have cramps or an upset stomach.

Ladies lone!?

I have no frickin theory

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not true =you do what make you feel comfortable during your period=everyone have different ways of coping with it

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Hot teas or herbal drinks that are hot serve with stomach ache. Try a heating wad it works wonders for me. And of course 2 motrins:)

Girl interview.?

I never heard of that. But hot tea help with cramps. And liquor make you flow faster. (not that you should be drinking)

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taht's not true,drink doesn`t matter what temp u want 2.I prefer room temp water

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I've never heard of this. I don't guess it makes it faster but it probably does facility the pain associated near cramps. When I drink coffee it does seem to backing the pain. But I wouldn't drink plain hot river , that sounds nasty. Instead generate it hot tea or hot chocolate.

Why am i inconfident in MYSELF?

That is not true. Hot water does not receive your flow faster and cold water doesn't hold anything to do with cramps. You can drink hose at any temperature you approaching. Since you don't have much info do some reading nearly menstration on the web so you know what is right and what isn't. I am surprised individuals would tell you wives tale like that contained by this day and age.

Well am not trying to draw from pregnant and am 3 days late I am on birth control (patch) could i be pregnant?

I've never hear any such thing. I don't see why nearby would be any relationship between the temperature of liquid you drink and how soon your period finishes.

A hot hose down *bottle*, if you put it on your tummy, may help to soothe your cramps. Hot tea may minister to you feel better, but probably more from the herb than the temperature.

And it's really not that able-bodied for any people, men or women, to drink icy cold beverages. This is why Europeans, for example, do not put rime in their sea like we do surrounded by America. The body wasn't designed to take within liquids that cold. Do drink plenty of marine - it keeps your system flushed out and your skin fine - but not necessarily ice river. Water might make you bloat, but you'll in recent times have to be in motion to the drugstore to get meds for that. And bring ibuprofen! It's an anti-inflammatory and does a number on cramps.

OK we have have one question on thrush surrounded by women but what about thrust on the tongue?

Sorry, but to be precise a wives tale. Periods are the shedding of your uterine pool liner monthly. Nothing will make it move about faster or slow down but hormonal balance and that you are not even hoary enough to hold to deal near yet. Just formulate sure you take the proper hygiene and lately work around it. You will get use to it contained by time.

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You can enjoy cold or hot water during your extent even though hot eases cramps drink tea and drink plenty of dampen

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