My spell is coming and this may be trouble..?

Alright, I've had a history of have extreme heavy period where I litteraly almost woozy. I am 14 yrs old and nutritious. And I get iron-defificeny anemia. I've lost my appetite for similar to two days and I have extreme lower backbone pain that's traveling lower. I dont want those solid periods coming so what can I do to prevent them? I don't wanna wobbly for reals. and I mean these are filling. theyre usually light but once within a while theyre back.thx

It be firsttime u had sex propley and i bled bit how long does it end?

Tell your mother and arrange for a doctors visit. You can budge to a doctor alone if she wont take you.
You have need of to be accessed to generate sure you do not have any serious medical conditions cause this problem ie POCS.
You could be prescribed a brand of the birth control pill. This will reduce the cramps and bleeding, and will regulate them (same time respectively month and will be more likely to adjectives be the same)
So talk to your mum more or less it all. Be cool, calm and collected and rational and explain everything to be exact scaring you.
Good luck.

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the only point that may help you is birth control pills. that's the one and only thing that help me

I don't mean to be rude, but?

go to a doctor they can grant you medican that can help big time

Very Weak Immune System ?

you cannot do anything to prevent have heavy period , you need to see your doctor so he can give support to you with this , thats complicated to go through every month .

I'm extrememly fearful of sex! What can I do? Anyone out nearby like me?!?

stay home for 2-3 days. you can't budge around school if you're going to woozy at any time. i have pouring periods too. it sucks :( I don`t know you can take birth control pills, you know, to stop the term from coming if you know it's going to be a heavy one where on earth you'll faint.

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honey i have the same problem and the dr put me on birth control..yes i be 14 and not sexually active..but the pill help control my made me more regular and have less bleeding..i done the faint thing...agree to your parents and dr about the comfort from birth control

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you should walk see your doctor and they can put you on a birth control pill ( even if you are not doing anything ) and that will help formulate your periods and cramping much lighter.

Coping mechanism?

ask your mom to take you to a Doctor.You're infantile and you could prevent problems by going soon.

The sooner the better.. GO, you might feel abnormal by going , but don't delay!

also jump check out:
(see if information is useful)

best of Luck!

Nuva ring serious answers only?

see a reputable GY OB at once.

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You call for to go see a gynecologist, for starters. Periods should not be so fatty they cause anemia, nor so scratchy they cause you to wobbly. You do not have to suffer any of this on a monthly argument. For the cramps, you have several option medication wise. You can filch traditional over the counter medications approaching Pamprin or Midol. You can take Motrin (Ibuprofen), aspirin, or Naprosyn (sold as Naproxen Sodium or Aleve). You can also use a heat pad on your lower tummy to help until the pills kicks surrounded by. A doctor can help beside a prescription of birth control pills and pain medication, to help regulate and peroxide the periods themselves. Chances are if they gain controled, the rest of your problems will also be solved. So speak with your mother and move about see the gyn doctor.

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you cant really stop from having sweet periods but some insist on is always own spare pads or tampons on you and bring midal or advil it really works for me

Girls only. thankss?

go to the gynocologist and win on birthcontrol. i used to have to use 2 over-night pad at the same time when i have mine. I went on birthcontrol and i lone have it for close to 2-3 days, its light and i can usually wear a regular tampon on the first hours of daylight and after that i can wear the lights for the rest of the time. i know how you feel hun, mine be always resembling that until i got on the pill and it help so much.

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As impulsive as now, better budge to the doctor with your mom, own yourself examined. Its the doctor that can tell what is best for your current situation and should at hand be a problem. Its better that its treated as early as presently.

Take care of yourself and God bless... Hope you will be ok soon.

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You can try birth control. It helps regulate your time of year and make them shorter. If you are have a lot of aching with it afterwards it could be Endometriosis. But you should see a gyno b/c it could be something else like fibroids.

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