Can you really discern an IUD? (boys)?

I wanted to get one, but the guy friends I own say it causes problems during intercourse. I will other be on birth control, I just like the chemical-free impression. Any suggestions?


Women And Girls ONLY?

It may cause complications for you, but it won't affect a male at adjectives. The IUD is placed inside your uterus. Your cervix keeps penises from entering your uterus. Talk to your doctor about possible complications.

Morning after pill and birl control?

Chemical free and you want to entrench something in your body? I think you call for to think this through a little more. If you're on birth control, don't receive an IUD. I recommend reading up on what exactly an IUD is and how it works.

Since the IUD is an Intra Uterine Device, it can't possibly interfere with sex based on human anatomy.

Just a request for information...?

If your guy is long plenty he can pinch the string against your cervix and cause kind of a minor rope burn to the pave the way of his penis. Not a pleasant experience but not too common either. They sometimes freshly need to trim the string a little shorter.

I would much to some extent the girl have an IUD than me wear a condom!
If your guy is going to be wearing a condom anyway cause you're not within an exclusive relationship or w/e, he won't be able to feel the string. Even w/o a condom, he probably won't perceive it.

Only peeing somewhat bit at a time?

The IUD is very comfortable for some women and not at all by others. The foremost problem with them is the cramping they cause when they are first put contained by. The IUD thickens the Uteran wall and can cause some discomfort for some women but abundant other women have absolutely no problems beside them.

Sex while on my length?

Well, I am not a boy but I did have an IUD and let me speak about you they are painful! My body rejected mine and not only does it hurt going it, it hurts coming out as in good health! My husband could not feel it, where as my girlfriends husband could! We both have ours taken out at the same time because they were merely too painful for us! I suggest you dont get one! Plus, my cousin get a serious infection from one and ended up in hospital for 2 weeks!

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